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Long-Term vs Short-Term Relationships

For the longest time, I've been trying to find a relationship that was long-term, i.e "the one" that I could spend the rest of my life with before I dove into that relationship. But then I was told from co-workers and friends that I know that I shouldn't be looking for a long-term relationship right off the bat but more of a "short-term" relationship that could lead up to a long-term relationship because "I would know if they were the one because I've been dating them for a half a year to a year." So how does the users of MaiOtaku approach short-term versus long-term relationships?
Well I prefer long term if all possible. I have only had long term though so not sure on how I would feel about a short term one. The most short term relationship I have had was 3 years. Shorter term could still be good for building experience toward making a relationship last longer. Best I got man.
Just so you know though one night stands do not count as a relationship. :P
I wouldn't say I approach either one a certain way, all I know is if it works out then so be it, if it doesn't that gives you another chance at finding someone, don't target a long term relationship because sometimes it will cause you to burn out, start small and go from there would be the best advice personally.
Hah, my longest relationship lasted 3 months. I either get bored and break up or get ditched because the other person feels like I have no feelings for them. Ultimately I am looking for a longterm relationship because short ones are just fucking pointless in my experience and only make your expectations higher but so far I haven't been lucky.
Long term seems the best..but then again I have never been in any relationships so I wouldn't really know. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c3/1a/d1/c31ad18ce994ade76176801b0c558f21.jpg
Long term relationships for life! ...literally. I just don't go into relationships without long term in mind. Short term and one night stands would only feel empty. I only play for keeps. Long live vanilla love! Because vanilla love lives longest.
Shortest I've had was just under two years and the longest was six and a half years. So, yeah, long term. Although, I don't go in with the thought that it has to be long term, but I prefer it to go that way. I'd say you should always just go with what works. Just because you want long term doesn't mean it will be or if you want short term it could end up being long-term. There are so many variables involved in any relationship that I don't think you should assume long term or marriage right off the bat. Relationships are complicated because humans are complicated creatures, male and female.
I'm always looking for a long-term (life-term?) relationship but I always end up failing. Is either I get bored or they are not interested in me because there already is someone else in their lives or I am not their type or something. Really I'm just willing to find nice friends for now to do the things I want to do with them (I've met good friends since I moved the past year to this city but trust is something you earn with time and we've been together for few months, at least to me is like that). I've had it already with relationships, they are too troublesome. Good thing is I never formalized any of them. Still is ok to look for short-term relationships for now, until you find the right one.
From my experiences long term is the best and most rewarding, I like to be with someone where there is a mutual love where we can do all kinds of things together and talk about anything we please. I'm a bit of a Romeo anyway so I've always been on the lookout for my Juliet. I've had plenty of long terms that went well even up until they ended where I stayed friends with the girls. I've had plenty of short term relationships as well, usually consisting of hugging, kissing and sex for the most part which I guess is fun for a little bit but I'm the kind of person who wants something more meaningful than just that. So yeah that concludes my view o/
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