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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

@elder_reaper Sounds like you have awesome eyes. :D
Not really. Pic is in the picture section of my profile
I honestly consider myself,average,maybe a bit less than average. But truth be told,im happy with my life :) Rather be average,wouldnt want so many ladies bothering me in the middle of my gaming/anime binge ._.
You see I don't find myself that HOT. But, I'm not perfect either. It's interesting how many women dream of being with an ex-NSA contractor but to me personality is the most that matters in a woman. I don't need any hot model to make me a better person.
Jan 29, 15 at 6:34am
Yeah. The only problem I have with the ladies is my shut in lifestyle and introverted personality. When I first started dating I used that as an excuse to get fit but, no. It doesn't matter that much if you're attractive enough and can take an active interest.
I consider myself pretty but i don't think the other people see me that way. I'm aware that my sense of beauty is pretty easy to please so... I think I'm worthy to date because when people get to know me (I'm usually told these things) they describe me at first sight or first meeting like "the girl thats always perfectly dressed, cool behaved and quiet" but then is like bam they know me and I am this smart and badass girl with millions of views about the world, a complex mind, fun and kinda mean maybe a lil crazy and someone you definitely don't know what her next move will be. So if anyone someday try to date me, i don't want him to do it for my looks but for who I am .
This is what dreams are made of
I never considered myself to be attractive. Some people in my family tell me i'm handsome(mostly my aunts, some cousins and my mother), but i never really believed any of them. Being the quiet guy and having a very popular older brother didn't help with making friends either. I'd rather be noticed for my personality anyways.
Well I think I'm attractive weather that's just the confidence I posses or not that wont really change my opinion. And everyone should really think about the word (Attractive) VS. (Sex Appeal) physical qualities can be attractive yes but so can non-physical as well like I find kindness and loyalty a very attractive trait. So you all shouldn't but yourselves down so quickly. So it's still a yes, I do find my self attractive Both physically and not physically.
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