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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

I actually have a lot of confidence in my look though that probably because when it comes to my body I dont really care what others think.
"hottest muffin in the oven" That comment made me laugh way more than it should have :P I've been told by many strangers that I look like Daniel Radcliffe, so I have some confidence in my looks. This reminds me of one of those times. I was out having breakfast with a few friends at a restaurant down the road and after we'd finished one of my friends had noticed a work colleague as we left, I'd never met this person or the person they had with them before fortunately. As it turned out this asian women who was accompanying my friends work colleague was a massive harry potter fan and went full fan girl mode on me. Her english wasn't the best either so that added to the awkwardness, long story short I got hugged, my face was touched and photos were taken, all by someone I'd never met. What were my friends doing through all this you wonder? what any good friend should do in that situation, pissing themselves laughing.
Nov 27, 14 at 1:55am
I think we're all our own worst critics. I could definitely get back some of the cuteness I've let slip. I was always mistaken for a girl when I was a kid. Not so much anymore! As far as raw attractiveness I've had some "success". I've been used for a fling before. Everyone expects that to be the male dream but it's not mine. I'd rather someone discover that there's something beyond yet another boy. My quirks, loyalty and love are the best part of the package :)
I don't think I'm attractive at all; I'm just average. Maybe it'd help if I put up an actual photo of myself... That'll come later once I'm more established.
I would be lying if I said I don`t consider myself atractive. I think I´m above the average, but not at the top of handsomeness. 0 to 10, I would say 7,5 or 8.
Yeah sure a bit I guess.
Dec 16, 14 at 4:36pm
Yes, I think I am attractive, or at least above average. My dad was a model after all. However, I inherited the short gene from my mother which knocks a lot of blocks off the attractive scale.
I think Im pretty attractive but most girls that live around where I live look more for guys that drive big trucks and have a country accent so that's what makes it hard for me where I live
Nope ^_^ but ill keep trying! 頑張って!
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