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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

Well, I used to think I was extremely unattractive, because I never really got attention from girls for most my life. However, I picked up running in high school and started lifting just recently, so I'm getting a bit more confident in my appearance. I view myself as average nowadays.
I honestly think I'm pretty beautiful. Sure I know I could loose some weight. But for someone my size I do find myself quite attractive. :3
I'd say your above average in looks, Jmac525 :) (I'd actually say you were cute, but some guys don't like being called cute... so... ? yep, well I just did :D ) Anyways, I felt the same way and then this past year I've suddenly been getting lots and lots of male attention 0.0 Its really weird, like someone flipped on a switch. But like I said in the post just before yours, its kind of hard to change your view of yourself but it does happen slowly but surely :)
@kittygourmet I think your really pretty too ^^ I just went through your photos :D sorry, I creeped lol :P Oh well :)
Lol you are perfectly fine Alexis. Creep away! :3
@kittygourmet, glad I have your consent :D Now I don't have to worry about lawsuits :3 @oreo717, from the one decent picture of your face (the rest are a bit blurry or more of your body) you seem attractive :) Don't worry, I never had a boyfriend before until a couple months ago. I met him on here, actually :)
@Alexis Lynn Well,you succeeded in making my night and next few days. :)And I don't mind being called cute at all. lol :D You're definitely very pretty btw. I've never had a relationship before, which has always been mildly discouraging. But, I'm not going to rush anything because I want to wait for the right girl for me, which hopefully comes sooner than later. I've been trying to get over my shyness and lack of confidence by getting more involved in stuff around campus and through work out schedule I have now. I can tell it's helping me little by little.
Well I'm glad that your flattered as its true :P lol And thank you :) Yeah, I know how you feel. It can be pretty darn discouraging, but just realize that eventually it will change :) Just don't settle :) Thats probably a good idea, getting more involved :)
I'm as attractive as a potatoe. :3
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