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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

This has got to be the longest running thread we have on this forum. Im not sure why i didnt mention it before but tobitaru is right. Facial structure. There's no accounting for personal tastes but all humans objectively like symmetric faces, and high cheek bones. Which i can say, for everyone using a real life picture in this thread, you all have (myself included of course). That being said, we're all attractive. Hooray.
Hell yeah!! I'm the hottest mother flower around! The problem is I'm the only one that thinks that xD
Wow this is an impressive thread guys XD. Everybody is attractive in his or her own way. Scary thing is that personality can affect how attractive they actually look.....!!! so true. Once i met this supppppppperrrrr gorgeous guy, he was new to town and we talked for about an hour or so. To myself i thought he will probably never talk to me again. Go figure he hasn't not only that he turned out to be an asshole womanizer and hurt many of my friends. now whenever i see him he is soooooo not cute anymore XD.
and Roukuro, i completely agree with your statement about the facial structure, but i also look at the entire body's bone structure XD its a thing i guess. i know weirrrrd
wellll there are easy things to do through out the day to help that ^^ im no where near what i want to weigh so im working on changing my lifestyle too
hey now there are super easy excersizes to do in an office chair XD no excuses oh and sex is prolly the best source of excersize if u do it right hahahahahaahhahahaa
I wouldn't call myself drop dead handsome but I do feel confident about my looks.
I feel i'm alright looking cant really complain i just lost confidence because i was unemployed for a year and only hanged out with my friends and didn't really meet new people so now that i'm good and back on track i'm not used to talking to people who i don't know that my brain jut goes blank :S lol
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