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Are you happy being single.

haha donnie your weird lol some people around here like feet (hint hint red masque) jk jk lol im done teasing you red lol
Sep 02, 15 at 11:23pm
If your not happy being single then you could never be happy in a relationship. A person should be happy with them selfs first before entering a relationship or that relationship will end in Misery and despair. Just saying to all you who hate being single.
@tetora You make a good point
Sep 10, 15 at 5:24pm
I'm pretty happy right now being single I mean girlfriends can put huge dents your wallet (~-.-)~ but joking aside I don't know I feel like at the moment I don't need one
Yes. Happiness should be able to be drawn from yourself and friendships you make.
I don't really think much about it. I say, whatever happens, happens. If I end up single for the rest of my life? Oh well. I'm okay with it. If I do end up with someone? Great! I just treat this kind of stuff as a pleasant surprise, and I expect nothing from anybody.
I'm completely fine being single as a 26 y.o. dude. I have my hobbies to keep me busy plus I'm sort of traveling due to my work so I get to enjoy going to places far than I have ever been to. Would focus on my goals in life first and none are relationship required. Yay. However, life does have its ups and downs including the unknown of the future. Never know what can happen. You may end up being in a relationship by chance. So I just flow through life and make good choices. I probably end up choosing a relationship if I was given the opportunity. To me though, that'll probably won't happen. So I'll continue enjoying being single and with what I have to make it a great one.
"True happiness can never come to us from any condition, person, or situation. In fact, true happiness can never come to us at all, because it is already right here. If only we can learn to stop looking for it everywhere else— in the horizon, in the distance, in someone or somewhere or something else, then we can begin to feel that soft summer grass that is already growing right beneath our feet." But at the end of the day, that kinda "meh" feeling. Now that's reliable & easy to maintain - single or not.
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