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No! I refuse to yield!

I'm done sulking! I refuse to be salty about this anymore! I'm gonna have a relationship one day despite what life and the universe will throw at me! Sure. I get that I don'tneed a relationship to be happy. I get that. But theres a LOT of stuff I don't need that I want and a girlfriend (maybe someday, a waif) is damn near the top! I refuse to end up bitter and forever alone like (name redacted), (name redacted), (name redacted) and that discount Scott Pilgrim look-a-like aka (name redacted)!!! Listen up, Universe or bad luck or life! I'm not giving up! I'm Misaki Nagase and I'm gonna get myself a girlfriend no matter what! I know I'm not the best looking guy or the most talented or all that bright but ya know what? Fuck giving up, fuck feeling sorry for myself, fuck the past, fuck bitter people that hate love and romance and FUCK YOU!!! SHIN KIKOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I wish more people would come to the realization that being sulky and bitter isn't going to get them anywhere in their love life (Or life in general), it's great that you found a reason to say "Fuck it" and put yourself out there and try your best. Don't worry dude, just stay positive, talk to women and if you find someone with mutual chemistry - you may have found your woman o/ Best of luck to ya!
Your sounding pretty bitter to me lol
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