Unpopular opinions

Ironsides @testarossa
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Ironsides @testarossa
Social progress in the US is just a large scale method of distracting from larger issues and topics that the world should be paying attention too. Its important, but not as important as people running around with their pride flags try to make it out to be.

Sunbae @alanzd
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Unpopular opinions
Sunbae @alanzd
Ban alcohol
Free healthcare
Free tuition for public, higher education, but higher requirements to get in
Ban Marijuana
I fully support gays and transgender, but gender fluidity is freaking stupid.
Cuddling is uncomfortable
People who are into siscon have a real problem in their heads
If people let the media think for them, they lose 50% of the respect I have for them
People who overdramatize their problems annoy me
People who get offended at anything anyone says should just isolate themselves
People who argue by using insults
The only people who should be annoyingly clingy are kids, because they're kids
If you use japanese in your english as your actual dialect, get real
Extremists of any kind
People who think all cops are bad piss me off and will lose around 30% of my respect

darkhorse @darkhorse
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Unpopular opinions
darkhorse @darkhorse
I hate tomatoes and bell peppers(just the fruit) so get over it fellow Italians!

Ritsuiokohateswomen @heavenlysword
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Ritsuiokohateswomen @heavenlysword
This account has been suspended.

darkhorse @darkhorse
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darkhorse @darkhorse
I love Pop music. I sing "All About That Bass" at the gym. Death Metal is for Church-Burning Satanic Scandinavians

Destine @shaedust
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Destine @shaedust
@darkhorse, gotta agree, lol, as a church-burning metal loving half Finnish, half spanish girl. You're not wrong. ^^
I really hate ketchup and I also hate tuna. That's pretty much it.

Fiever @rickowned
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Fiever @rickowned
I find that Trance music is the best kind of music.

meka @meka
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meka @meka

Nakama @jacob1
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Nakama @jacob1
-Attack on titans the anime is over rated and the manga is much better.
-spoiling anime's for people who have not read the manga.
-Sword Art Online season one and two both suck.
-Naruto is just a copy of Dragon Ball
-Bleach is better then Naruto.

darkhorse @darkhorse
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Unpopular opinions
darkhorse @darkhorse
Gyms are for gay guys and probably gay guys. I should know (looks over at Fancy)- just kidding babe!
But seriously, if you are married and your husband is working out, he's either 1) Gay, or 2) Cheating on you. Married men give up caring about their bodies.
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