Things you would like to touch
Arc @arc
Things you would like to touch
Arc @arc
Have you ever saw anything that made you want to just reach out and touch it?
Destine @shaedust
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Things you would like to touch
Destine @shaedust
@Arc, WHAT IS THAT? Anyway, I've always wanted to pet a bee. Don't ask me why.
Arc @arc
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Things you would like to touch
Arc @arc
It's a sea bunny!
Also, I have pet a bumble bee once. Totally worth it.
Destine @shaedust
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Things you would like to touch
Destine @shaedust
@Arc, sea bunny? i GOTTA GOOGLE THAT. did you pet a bumble bee? How?
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
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Things you would like to touch
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
"Things you would like to touch"
I could go so far with this.
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
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Things you would like to touch
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
A anime character
Arc @arc
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Things you would like to touch
Arc @arc
Ah, yes. The Japanese sea tit. That would be interesting to poke.
trahecreations @trahecreations
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Things you would like to touch
trahecreations @trahecreations
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
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Things you would like to touch
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
I want to touch...... air. Oh wait.. I already did.. Damn.
Arc @arc
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Things you would like to touch
Arc @arc
I just pet a bumble bee one day in the herb garden when it was too busy to pay attention to me :P
That's awesome. I wish I had touched a bee like that XD
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