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These Videos helped me how to understand women

What test? I mean seriously, I either like someone or I don't. There's no test. This isn't a movie so why would you come at someone with a script like it is? Unless someone is cold approaching me and then the only "test" is "do I trust this dude to not threaten me?" Also don't follow the advise of someone who is seriously using negging as a seduction technique. It's insulting to both the guy and the woman involved. Like the only way you can get someone to have any kind of positive thoughts about you is to undermine their self confidence? Really? You have so little going for you as a human being that that's the solution? At best, you'll try it on a person who actually has real confidence and you'll come off looking like a major douche. At worse, you do it to someone who actually is insecure and now you're an asshole who is bullying and picking on someone's insecurities for a date/sex/whatever. That makes you an abuser.
I think every individual is unique, regardless of gender. You can't just assume something will work on a woman because she's a woman, or on a man because he's a man. If a book told you, "All guys like grapefruit", would you go around trying to give every man a grape fruit? nO. Because my dad and my best friends who's a dude both hate it. But some people like it. That book just gave you a random piece of advice. Really, it comes down to weather you like the person or not. Also, some of the techniques seem sort of abusive to me, and creepy. All of them seem like turn off's. I'd instantly get unsettled if I guy tried to undermine my self confidence. I would go hang out with my friends, cry, and then never talk to the jerk again. Not to mention, that if you do use the "techniques" you aren't dating an equal. You're dating someone with serious emotional issues, if it takes being mean to them to get them to date you. Do you wanna date below? Really? You don't wanna try being a nice person and finally getting you're match? I don't mean "nice" as in you're ONLY doing it for a date. You don't get a cookie for being nice. You should be nice because that's how a decent human being acts. You should be nice and not expect anything in return. I'm nice to guys and I don't expect to get laid by them, even if I think they're hot. Even if I want to date them, I'm still nice, and I don't try stepping out of my boundaries? Why? Because they are my friends. Friends aren't mean to each other. Friends don't expect more than what they have, unless BOTH of them want more. Everyone complains about the "friendzone". You know, the "friendzone" is necessary. I would never date someone unless they were my very, closest, best friend. Why? Because you should be dating your best friend. If they don't like you the same way, it's because you aren't they're best way the same you you see it. You can't just skip bases, unless you wanna screw yourself over. It's just creepy that someone would EVER want to "date" me or have a crush on me without even knowing me! People who aren't even remotely close. Sure, I have crushes on people, but I don't act on them unless I get to know the person. That's all. My stupid rant. Sorry bout' that.
The videos are teaching me to be a D-bag ... But the video have valid points ... I guess I'll just be myself and hope for the best ... someday
Who would take advice on this crap???
Ladies, I understand your distain for the video. Like I said earlier.. This video is for the average girl. Lets face it.. We live in a superficial world, especially in the Americas and Asia.. When you go to the bar you see average women. All the guy is doing is telling you how to get them to respond to you.. How to stand out.. If a hot girl has 100 guys giving them googly eyes all day, and one guy says.. "Well your ok.. Ive seen better" That creates tension. These videos dont say... "Find a girl treat her like crap forever" The videos state how to get a girl to notice you and talk to you.. Unfortunately these techniques work on most women. Its worked for me. I was(Still am) a complete sweetheart... Im caring, loving, supportive, funny, and motivational.. You would think these are all traits a girl would want.. A man who is going to make them feel good about themselves, and treat them like queens and give them the respect they deserve. I noticed at the end of the day, I got put in the Friendzone(Brother) area, while they go out and chase emotionally unavailable men who keep their hearts racing by keeping them on the edge. How sad is it as a man to have a woman call you to gossip about what she thinks her BF may be doing. Or she telling you "I cant believe i had a threesome with him and this chick we met at a bar" At the end of the day girls want what they cant have. They want excitement and drama... Being the "Nice Guy" gets you friendzoned from 16-30 year old females.. Now after she has had all her fun, and fair share of drama and heartache and is ready to settle down.. Thats where the nice guy comes in. You come in after she already had her wild days, probably had a kid or 2, and lived out her fantasies. Who wants to be someones Beta Provider? Your just there to raise her kids and provide.. And she may still sneak out and cheat on you with the same assholes she was with when she was younger...
It doesn't actually create tension though. I just can't believe someone's social skills would be just that bad that they'd have to resort to insults to get attention. It's true that a lot of women hear a lot of empty platitudes, but the reason why women don't really respond to it is because it's an empty statement. There's only so many ways a person can say thank you to "wow you're beautiful!" Instead of trying to start conversations with an opening sentence that legitimately has no other possible followup other than "thank you.", why not ask about something real? That's what happens to a lot of online messages too. There's no games involved. Just talk about something that I can actually respond to. Ugh, alpha and beta is really just stupid crap that I don't even understand how it exists since NO stable relationship I've ever seen in the real world actually works like that. Like my dad did a lot of housework and raised the kids because ultimately my mom has the better paying job. I'd like to see someone tell my dad that he's not a "real man" because of it. And my mom, in 36 years of marriage, has never looked down on him nor has cheated on him in any way ever.
Yeah, why can't a guy mention something that doesn't involve looks? Why does he always need to compliment? Does she seem nice? She has good taste in music, drinks, food, style (not her physical FACE AND BODY, her style). Maybe she's into science. Bring up a random fact, break the ice in a way that isn't about looks and superficiality, and that should actually get a girls attention.
Also I can kinda see how this might faintly be trying to be construed as playful bantering. But honestly from the language in that video, it's clearly not what the33secrets guy means at all. Like there's a difference between playfully teasing someone as a way to build chemistry (which I honestly think it's pretty advanced because it depends a lot on subtext, attitude, and how well you can read another person) and having a back and forth build up, to when that guy just straight out says to "find and exploit flaws in a woman's beauty". That is not endearing, whatsoever.
Ladies I understand but lets say the nasty taboo truth... Sexual attraction dominates everything at a young age. Now you women may be the exception, but no woman is going to be with a man that she doesnt find physically attractive.. UNLESS he gets to her heart first. Your physical attraction level is your first impression.. Man or Woman.. No ifs ands or buts about it. A man could be the most amazing person ever, but if you think he looks like trash.. you give him the time of day to even reveal what a great man he is. Thats why i deem these "tricks" worthy because it gives guys who dont win with confidence or physical attraction a way to make a decent first impression.. THEN they can let their personality take over and win her heart..
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