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These Videos helped me how to understand women

Nuff said. Homie Anubis shit be on point. Yes. I used these videos cause I didn't realize how my "nice guy" ways was viewed by the average woman. I was raised right by my mother. Love and treat a woman with respect! Put her first, and make sure she never wants for anything. Give love attention and affection. Truth is a lot of women now a days don't find that attractive. Women like to be infatuated! Which is why the asshole jerks always win because they infatuate the girl. There is no thrill or fun in a guy who is offering himself to you without a fight. A guy ready to commit. These women want to earn and force you to commit it's like an achievement unlocked for them. Being nice is now interpreted as being weak!! People take nice people for granted, and people always abuse something they know isn't going no where.
This video is going off the notion off--- "So you've got to act disconnnected, uninterested, and aloof to-- Gah, I get it. People have come to the conclusion that girls want who are unreachable. Rather than actively communicating, they are rather emotionally disconnected. The theory that "people want what they can't have." But this "advice" is just rousing the behavior of a facade, and act.
That girl/boy will be interested in you for YOU. Not somekind of sterotypical "bad boy" complex. ~W
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