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What should I do if a girl I like talks like she likes me, but also talks to other guys who like her like she likes them, too?

All of you should honestly just cut this foolish shit and move on, Cory... just accept it and move on bud; it'll be better that way- no need for any unnecessary drama. Lose one gain ten.
I gave you advice and told you what you had to do, but you unfriended me without saying a word so....all I can say is that you serah liked you as a friend and no one else and you were overreacting beyond believe so....nothing more nothing less....now the forums have become a hell hole
Okay man....I wasn't thinking straight when I said she loved you...I'll change that right now...hell this is one big giant mess.....
I didn't read any prior post, I only read the first one, so sorry if it's repetitive. If you aren't being treated specially, most likely, it's because you're not special to them. NOW. That is totally different than YOU not being able to feel like she's special to you. So do you feel special, or did you forget that nice girls are nice to everybody?
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