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Love (Instant or Earned)?

I have noticed a lot of people talk about waiting on love to find them. I used to believe you had to seek it out. But maybe it works both ways and it's just up to the dice. Thoughts? Warning: Thread may evolve lol.
Jul 12, 15 at 3:04am
If you're looking for someone to love, you're just looking for heartbreak and disappointment. These things have to happen naturally, you can't force it.
It's something you can seek and never find, but waiting for it means you just end up waiting for nothing. From the topic title I thought it was going to ask if people believe in love at first sight or not. And because this topic might evolve, I'll be over here with my popcorn... http://i.imgur.com/auVZo.gif
to be honest, it seems i fall in love instantly, however, i know better that love that is earned/yearned/grown is far far better/stronger/every way more "good" than cliche love-at-first-sight bull@#$% i really want the next one to be the last one, and the last one to be the best one, and the best one to be forever ...
@yukiteru You should totally trademark that last bit man. Put it on a T-shirt lol.
So I guess that begs the question, how does one know that they are in love? Is it a feeling that cannot be put into words or is it a set of requirements that have to be mostly fulfilled? I look around the area I live in and I see older couples and young couples and I think to myself... are they or did they just settle for someone good enough? Is it enough? Is there a point you reach were you stop thinking there is something more? Dangerous thoughts lol.
lol, maybe i should ... i have proof i said it here first!! muahaha
Agape, Eros and filao. Unconditional, erotic and freindly. Erotic often times comes first, aka physical attraction. Friendship comes from a mutual like. Unconditional love is love without reason and I highly doubt most will ever achieve that. Sure, one could say there's love at first sight, but that's just infatuation. Love is built and cultivated over time and it can either die or grow stronger. Love is different for everyone.What I love may be different than another, so it's kind of hard to put it into a universal sense of how the development of love works. In other words, there are no rules, if you're in love and loved, you just know.
Love is just dopamine, norepinephrine and phenylethylamine that human beings release in their bodies. The best way I've heard that you know you're in love is when that light bulb clicks on and all of those sappy love songs suddenly make perfect sense.
but at the same time, i have a clinical mass-deficiency of all three of those; and have/had take supplements to balance them because they are so dangerously low, and even in my worst times, i think i love/want love more than anyone i can think of god or science, you/we are fools to think we know anything about anything either way, it's a pretty amazing thing, Love
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