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Found a girl I like. But what next?

Okay, so I met a girl on the site last year after joining. She lives further away in the country from me, which I don't mind. The problem is I'd love to meet up with her but neither of us are on the site that often so I don't know if she'll see any much of my messages (I haven't been spamming her inbox with messages, just so you know) and I'd like to contact her through other means (i.e. Facebook, Skype) but I'd hate to come across as a creepy stalker. On top of that I don't know how we could meet since I don't drive and I'm not sure she does either. Anyway, I just put this out and ask for any advice which woud be welcome. Thanx.
easy and simple just ask for her number or something. nothing creepy about that, she obviously isnt on the site as much right? and since you would like to communicate with her more often something like her number makes sense. you wont come off as a stalker unless you've done things to suggest that "example: spamming her non-stop and she refuses to reply" if someone doesnt reply to you just mean either they dont want to or they didnt see the message. meeting up is a different story if your both comfortable with it then go ahead and make plans. if your both serious about things you can at least plan to meet up halfway or something in a place with an attraction or something like me and my ex planned to meet up in myrtle beach (i lived in florida and she lived in Pennsylvania) so that was in the middle. if you cant drive hmm idk buy airplane tickets? catch the bus? if your that serious about it hope this helps sorry if it didnt and good luck
I never had a problem if anyone on this site asks for my Skype or whatever. It's not creepy at all unless they have never talked to you before or they really act creepy. Just add her as a friend for now. If she has her facebook or Skype on her profile, then it won't come off as stalkerish if you contacted her that way. If it's posted in public, it's what she should expect. XD Meeting someone irl is something that I, and every girl I know, is cautious about due to the dangers, so I would not suggest asking her that until you are really close and trust each other enough(or at least using webcam/mic at least once with each other). Then I would start with somewhere relatively safe like an anime convention.
I say take it slow... I had a total face palm moment when I did a "kokuhaku" to a co-worker n was shot down ...
Send her your contact info; phone no., email, Skype, FB, etc. Let her know you'd like to hear from her outside of MO since neither of you use the site very much, then if things go well offer to meet in the city or town she lives in or at any event you're both interested in. Not having a car shouldn't be the end, use public transport.
Good not to spam, looks needy. nikita_13 speaks the truth.
Thanx for the advice everybody.
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