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Hello ._.

Hi everyone it will be nice to meet you all.. if you come talk to me that is xD I'm pretty easy going.. or 'chill' I love talking but I wont talk to you if your talking to me like 'Aye bb texx meh?' I don't do the text talk o3o I wouldnt say im funny or anything I find my self hilarious to be honest.. I laugh at my jokes and stuff more then i would laugh at yours :P I would definately say I is a happy person and I can be pretty blunt about alot of stuff and i can tell if i will like the person pretty easily and i wont hold back my thoughts.. I'm horrible in that department sorry xD For all those who have their stereotypes about canada i will just tell you this; - Our police are indeed polar bears - Our currency is maple syrup - And our pets are typically seals and killer whales <3 I loves my anime more than anything else and people really need to accept this, I love romance and action ones I do watch the 'mainstream' animes like naruto + ship, fairy tail and one peice.. i dont like it all to much though :/ So yeah... really if theres anything else then feel free to ask.. i is sorry for rambling on xD
Jul 08, 15 at 1:15pm
O: oh a new member i shall dance for you http://www.gifsoup.com/view3/1904230/break-dance-anime-o.gif Welcone to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here :)
Jul 08, 15 at 1:19pm
I'm no doctor but I think you might need some duct-tape for that wrist ._. But thank you I hope I enjoy my stay here too :)
Hello ^-^ Welcome to MaiOtaku! http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Charmaxusm/Gifs/tumblr_nqr6osHmQE1qg78wpo1_500.gif I hope you have a great time, enjoy your stay, and makes lots'o friends x] And hmm...polar bears eh..? Sooo if i start pulling off heists out there and then play dead...will i get away scot-free? Or does that not work with polar bears? >->
Voli @voli commented on Hello ._.
Jul 08, 15 at 6:20pm
oi oi ^^ welcome to MO, hope you like it here x) i didnt hear such rumors about canada.. canada's supposed to be filled with nice and kind people. like if i even hit a person accidentally, the hurt one will apologise or so :3 anywho..... hope to see you around ^^
Jul 08, 15 at 6:25pm
They arent like brown bears playing dead isnt going to work sorry Misplaced xD Canadians arent always nice half of us are asses and the other half are.. people.. most people dont say sorry we just ignore the person and walk it off sorry voli x3x
Voli @voli commented on Hello ._.
Jul 08, 15 at 6:28pm
oooh... naah its totally fine x) the word is full of cunts xD that was me tryna be optimistic
Jul 08, 15 at 9:34pm
Welcome to Maiotaku! http://media.giphy.com/media/kjhTSqAjXxoOY/giphy.gif Enjoy your stay!
jezh22 @jezh22 commented on Hello ._.
Jul 09, 15 at 6:27pm
Welcomew to nyaotaku!
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