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Yay!! That be fun! i'll be waiting!. :) @Charlie Geee!! my browser wont allow me to view it.. was it really that good ?and it seems so adorable! Cx Coughs* i mean it seems decent. (tough mode) lols.. Im ganne view it when I.get home. :) Panda song.. xD
panda and matty!! where are youuu.. :) oh btw thanks for accepting matty! :) hope its ok i call you matty.Ü (couldnt post in his pro..wouldnt destroy moment..giggles)
what cant you see? @stranger haha sorry if we worried you earlier XD
nah i just wanted him to tell me his last name XD and he refused so i spammed his page with yaoi
oww i meant the video you post? XD and nahh..no worries im good now lols.. glad to know i didnt do harm *laughs.. ..dunt push him too much though, i think its private. :) panda! matty! charlie! i gtg now.. i had fun you take care ne! °^°
kk see ya stranger lol
@Stranger Thats fine, see it whenever you get the chance ^-^ And alright! Likewise, take care! =]
Jul 08, 15 at 12:49am
Nya welcomew to NyaOtaku
Thank you nya! :D *pets his fluffy hair*
Jul 08, 15 at 6:32pm
not sure what youre looking for but good luck with that ^^ and welcome to MO, hope you love it here and find your male bf/bff
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