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Confession time!!

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Jul 02, 15 at 1:49am
I guess the worst thing I've done was just not sleeping. I've gone at most 2 whole days wothout sleeping trying to finish an anime or something. Other than that, nothing else.
Jul 03, 15 at 3:01am
There was a fig I wanted on a sale, but there were complications with the order (I forget what exactly) which resulted in it getting cancelled and our internet got cut off at the time. So I drove to the nearest kfc with my laptop and created a new account on the site over their wifi and bought it that way.
Jul 03, 15 at 9:23am
When Dragon Ball Z was first being released on VHS, (ask your grandparents if you don't know what that is), you could only get one of the volumes by ordering it from a coupon from a kids meal. So I told my cousin I'd buy him lunch if that lunch was a kids meal. Still have that tape stashed away somewhere or another, along with a stack of like 50 other volumes of DBZ.
Jul 03, 15 at 12:59pm
Probably the only thing that comes close to the worst thing was not sleeping to watch a series. "One or two" episodes became several and I still had ti go to work. XD
When I was younger, I cut class, and got on 3 different buses to get to a store because a friend told me they had a big Sailor Mars plushie at a store, I don't do wild things, let alone get out of the house aside from school or work very often, so it is a fond memory to me. :) I also ended up getting the Adolescence of Utena manga while I was there.
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