I'm lonely...
wolfofthe42grays @wolfofthe42grays
I'm lonely...
wolfofthe42grays @wolfofthe42grays
*sighs* I really don't know how I feel about putting this up, but I need to put it somewhere. I've been so lonely, I grew up in California, and I was already getting lonely there, my circle of friends just got smaller and smaller. But I hear that's to be expected after high school or something like that. But I was down to very few friends. For some reason, I really don't know why now, I moved across the country to Maryland. Here I am now, and I talk to the few friends I had left less and less, the time change doesn't help. But it's not really within my means to go back and I don't really have much to go back to. So here I am in Maryland. I have no friends, I had a couple false starts, but still none. At my last job I actually met 2 anime fans, one was a guy who I sort of got along with and the other was a girl and we sort of maintained friendly appearances when we interacted. Me and the guy finally managed to throw something together and the three of us went out on some thing. It was kind of eh, and none of us really talked since then. Well, I seem to be an introverted and depressed person. I can be totally random and weird when I'm comfortable around people. But I also feel like I'm a bit slow sometimes, so I can't do as good as I want to in much of anything. It gets really frustrating and I get emotionally tired from all this stuff. -__-
Aiisho @aiisho
commented on
I'm lonely...
Aiisho @aiisho
hey its ok no need to be depressed if u want some friend how about starting we me and my sis we both live in baltimore and we're both crazy and funny
wolfofthe42grays @wolfofthe42grays
commented on
I'm lonely...
wolfofthe42grays @wolfofthe42grays
You know, that might be pretty cool.
himechan1 @himechan1
commented on
I'm lonely...
himechan1 @himechan1
[b]I'm lonely...[/b]
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
commented on
I'm lonely...
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
Geek Panda feels ur pain.
pharenx @pharenx
commented on
I'm lonely...
pharenx @pharenx
sigh.. i feel the same way too which is why im here hoping for some friends
Tiger Festival @animeboy
commented on
I'm lonely...
Tiger Festival @animeboy
Can I join the bandwagon?
wolfofthe42grays @wolfofthe42grays
commented on
I'm lonely...
wolfofthe42grays @wolfofthe42grays
Sorry to hear about all of you too, it sucks.
wolfofthe42grays @wolfofthe42grays
commented on
I'm lonely...
wolfofthe42grays @wolfofthe42grays
Why don't we get some group thing going? I mean, we're all lonely, so why don't we kind of help each other out?
Tiger Festival @animeboy
commented on
I'm lonely...
Tiger Festival @animeboy
A group meeting would be freaking awesome
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