If you had to choose to...
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
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If you had to choose to...
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
yatotaku @yatotaku
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If you had to choose to...
yatotaku @yatotaku
Pie-Shaped Cake!
chibipizza @chibipizza
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If you had to choose to...
chibipizza @chibipizza
um cake pfft.
Klonoawolf @klonoawolf
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If you had to choose to...
Klonoawolf @klonoawolf
The tally so far:
Cake 7
Pie 4
Yu @metaljester
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If you had to choose to...
Yu @metaljester
Depends if that cake is made by glados
Veru @verucassault
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If you had to choose to...
Veru @verucassault
I've already said cake but I could go for a fusion. The reason why I don't like pie that much is because of the crust. The thing I like least about cake is the frosting.
Nakama @jacob1
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If you had to choose to...
Nakama @jacob1
I would eat cake. Those could it be a fat free. I'm trying to loss weight.
Nakama @jacob1
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If you had to choose to...
Nakama @jacob1
Crust of a pie with the inside of a cake. That a fusion of both.
Veru @verucassault
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If you had to choose to...
Veru @verucassault
I'm thinking cake with pie -crust on top. 8P
catsteaparty @catsteaparty
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If you had to choose to...
catsteaparty @catsteaparty
Pie...because I get lightheaded when I eat cake. But I'll just get lightheaded from eating pie ;-;
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