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What is ____

Jun 03, 15 at 9:22pm
Time for a little thought and it appears its in the relationship topic. If anybody reading this would please just spare some of their time in answering me these questions. So without carrying on lets get right to it. 1. How faithful are you that you can find somebody that will stay with you long term. 2.Do you feel that a relationship should last a lifetime or feel it to be realistic? 3. How important do you feel your standards are in a relationship? 4. Why do you want a relationship? 5. If you were to be alone for the rest of your life how would you feel? 6. If you were to define it under a few things if you do not have a relationship what would they be? If you do have a relationship what factors do you believe helped you in that? 7. If I asked you how important finding somebody was what would you say? 8. Do you consider yourself more independent or dependent perhaps balanced? 9.Are you happy with yourself as of now? 10. If you had to choose between changing yourself or letting go of somebody which would you pick? That is all I appreciate anybody that answers this.
Jun 03, 15 at 9:56pm
I don't know that I will wake up, but I do know that if I live long enough, I will search and see what woman truly fits with me and me with her. I feel that not all relationships should last a lifetime, but I know that many do and I'm willing to gamble my life. How important are my standards in a relationship? That all depends. There are some I'd willing give up if other standards made up for them. But, there are others I will not give up, like a truly loving heart. I want a relationship because a journey alone is an awfully boring journey. Also, I more than realize most urges stem from a more primal and natural cause. We are wired to breed even if we don't want kids. We seek out mates that can care for young and provide for a family. We seek out good genetics for a stronger generation. I know that love truly isn't so simple though. If I were to be alone for the rest of my life, I'd honestly feel unfulfilled and depressed. Definition: See above. I believe in love, but love is different to different people. I'm not sure at the moment how important it is to me to find someone since I'm only freshly single. Independent, while alone. But, I prefer a team when in a relationship. I am not happy with myself currently, but then again, I'm going to the gym, planning more social things with friends, looking into more work...etc... I'm wanting to and improving so I can be happy being me. No one will be my bandaid, I must make my self happy before I can hope to make another happy. As for change, I actually had to let her go. So, that answers that. If you can't be you, who the hell are you? Why put on a facade? I could go into a lot more detail on everything, but for this I don't see what I'd have to gain or why I should.
Jun 03, 15 at 10:17pm
HISSSSS *runs away* JK. I would be more inclined to answer if I knew what the purpose of this was for... these are very soul searching questions and my insides cringe in agony reading the questions in fear of exposing too much vulnerability.
Jun 03, 15 at 10:22pm
Vercuassault, Hence is why I didn't go into any real detail. Yu has an inquisitive mind and I often wonder why more questions than answers. But, sometimes it's good to do a little introspection. Besides, you never know what may come of it. Lest we derail, please excuse the conversation.
Jun 03, 15 at 10:27pm
There are two reasons for this. 1. To Look at other peoples viewpoints on the matter. Then afterwards see any consistencies that are following with certain viewpoints along with simply pondering the differing viewpoints. 2. As a secondary poll to see who would be willing to open up to said questions. Who knows it might help somebody as well, Its up to you though if you wish to answer them. ^ @yaasshat I appreciate your feedback,
Lol veruca it can be kind of intimidating but a little self-introspection is good sometimes xD 1. Moderately faithful? To be honest, I don't really think about it. I feel like I'm too young to be considering the rest of my life with someone. 2. As a follow-up to #1, I prefer relationships to be more realistic. Nothing really lasts forever, but we can try and stretch it out for as long as we can. But eventually it just doesn't work. 3. Standards as in idealizations? I don't think those should matter. But if by standards you mean things like how a guy should treat a girl, then yeah it does matter. Lol I can't stand assholes. 4. I want a relationship because I'd like to experience life with someone. All the ups and downs, and the good and the bad. I like the experience I suppose. 5. That would be really depressing. As humans, I think we crave being connected to someone, whether emotionally, physically, or mentally. I don't think anyone could be alone forever. 6. Companionship. Trust. An adventure lol. 7. I think it's more important to find yourself. You can't expect to find the answers in other people. :P 8. Ah I try to be balanced. To be honest, I go back and forth. I'm too prideful to stand being dependent for long though lol 9. I'm pretty happy with myself. I was in kind of a rut since the start of the year but I feel like I'm figuring things out. Slowly but surely. 10. At the end of the day, I'd pick changing myself, selfish as it may sound. It's just...people come and go in your life all the time, but you're the only one who's always going to be with you, you know? If I thought it would help me grow as a person, I would definitely let go I hope these answers satisfy your curiosity lol. :3
It was actually really nice to answer these kinds of questions. It makes you feel kind of serene at the end haha :'D
Jun 03, 15 at 10:38pm
1. How faithful are you that you can find somebody that will stay with you long term. Not at all faithful in that regard. I compare my situations to those around me. This person found someone, this person did as well, oh look they're with someone new now. That's not to say this isn't something I want, I very much do. I just think somewhere along the line I have a defect along with all the other answers I will sure give. 2.Do you feel that a relationship should last a lifetime or feel it to be realistic? I would hope for a relationship to last that long. To be more specific a good or GREAT relationship to last that long. But I'm also afraid it isn't realistic. 3. How important do you feel your standards are in a relationship? I have my standards and have tweeked them over the years because I was thinking maybe I set them to high. Usually when I make exceptions, it gets me into some form of trouble or misfortune. Therefore I won't do it again. 4. Why do you want a relationship? I want someone to have my back, a consort, a partner, a live-in best friend if you will that I also have romantic feelings towards. 5. If you were to be alone for the rest of your life how would you feel? No different than I do now. I've been alone most my life. 6. If you were to define it under a few things if you do not have a relationship what would they be? If you do have a relationship what factors do you believe helped you in that? See answer to Number 4. 7. If I asked you how important finding somebody was what would you say? It's important to to me but it will not get rid of all the other issues or problems in my life. It just might enhance them along the way LOL. 8. Do you consider yourself more independent or dependent perhaps balanced? I am a very independent person. I work very hard, probably to my detriment, to make sure that I am as independent as possible. 9.Are you happy with yourself as of now? There's room for improvement, but for the time, I am doing the best I can. 10. If you had to choose between changing yourself or letting go of somebody which would you pick? I have been willing to try and change a relationship in the past. It's for nothing if the person you are doing it for is just wanting to be set free. While he did give me the impression he wanted to stew over it awhile, I think he really knew when he asked, what the outcome would be. NO ONE should string someone along like that. It was the worst hell I've ever been through.
1. How faithful are you that you can find somebody that will stay with you long term. - I am not very faithful that i will find somebody who is willing to stay in the long terms, infact i believe that 99% will leave sooner, but i keep looking for the 1%. 2.Do you feel that a relationship should last a lifetime or feel it to be realistic? - i Feel that it should have a healthy combination; i mixture of Everlasting and Realism. 3. How important do you feel your standards are in a relationship? - i feel that both our standards are big in the relationship, although if our standards contradict eachother then it would not work, i like when standards work in perfect cohesiveness. 4. Why do you want a relationship? - I wanna be in one so i can be in a loving, fun and always changing environment(To a degree), i also want to be able to discuss topics about philosophy and Science; But with the occasional competitiveness. 5. If you were to be alone for the rest of your life how would you feel? - I would feel dissapointed but even so i would dedicate my life to another calling instead, maybe science, Philosophy or entertainment, Realistically spend my time doing something worthwhile. 6. If you were to define it under a few things if you do not have a relationship what would they be? If you do have a relationship what factors do you believe helped you in that? - looks and lack of my communication or maybe my unableness to share alot about myself to strangers. 7. If I asked you how important finding somebody was what would you say? - Not important, but it would be nice. 8. Do you consider yourself more independent or dependent perhaps balanced? - i consider myself independent but too stubborn to admit i can be dependent sometimes. 9.Are you happy with yourself as of now? - Yes, why wouldn't i be? i need to in order to love myself- but that does mean i should stop improving. 10. If you had to choose between changing yourself or letting go of somebody which would you pick? - depends, if i needed to change because i hurt somebody then i would, but i wouldnt hesitate to let go of somebody who only wants what they want or need, i if i was already good and somebody said if i didnt change to become more muscular or smarter or-else they would leave, i would gladly hold the door for them. Hmmm, was nice answering myself these questions.
Arc @arc commented on What is ____
Jun 04, 15 at 2:42am
1. How faithful are you that you can find somebody that will stay with you long term. Not very 2.Do you feel that a relationship should last a lifetime or feel it to be realistic? I want a relationship to last a lifetime, but many are meant to come and go. 3. How important do you feel your standards are in a relationship? I have about average to low importance. 4. Why do you want a relationship? Somebody to protect and look after 5. If you were to be alone for the rest of your life how would you feel? empty 6. If you were to define it under a few things if you do not have a relationship what would they be? My awkwardness at not filling in pauses in conversation. Opposite of a smooth talker. 7. If I asked you how important finding somebody was what would you say? Extremely important 8. Do you consider yourself more independent or dependent perhaps balanced? independent 9.Are you happy with yourself as of now? no 10. If you had to choose between changing yourself or letting go of somebody which would you pick? changing myself Hey, I did it! :D
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