San Japan 2015

XSilentJoe @xsilentjoe
San Japan 2015
XSilentJoe @xsilentjoe
Any Awesome people going to San Japan, Cause I sure am in my MU (My Unit) Cosplay from Fire Emblem, and I have this dope Levin Sword I bought on Etsy.

serah2012 @serah2012
commented on
San Japan 2015
serah2012 @serah2012
Yeah I'll be there for SJ8

bakajeeves @bakajeeves
commented on
San Japan 2015
bakajeeves @bakajeeves
Why wouldn't you go

sircozai @sircozai
commented on
San Japan 2015
sircozai @sircozai
Im going too!

serah2012 @serah2012
commented on
San Japan 2015
serah2012 @serah2012
Should we set up a meet up for MO there??
maybe grab some dinner and just talk or something....
I dunno, just an idea...
There was a meetup for Akon but sadly, I missed it.

Jashadow @jashadow
commented on
San Japan 2015
Jashadow @jashadow
I'll be there! I should be going as a group with other people, but I'd be down if anyone would want to hang out.

therogueknight @therogueknight
commented on
San Japan 2015
therogueknight @therogueknight
Im gonna be there too. Its gonna be awesome!

serah2012 @serah2012
commented on
San Japan 2015
serah2012 @serah2012
I'm down to meet up/hang out with anyone
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