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Pokemon or super power?!?!? :O

Alright the big choice is laid in front of you. To your left is a glowing blue chalice that will give you any super power you desire. To your right is six pokeballs that will contain your dream team. The pokemon can never die, only faint for five hours if fatal damage is taken (This includes nukes/guns lol) You can explain what'd you would choose for both. For super power I would choose to stop and start time. Middle of a 9 hour shift at work? *time stop* take a nap lol I would have a team of 6 dittos. Open the best brothel in New York city. I can see it now up in lights "Bang your dream girl" Let the money rain \o-o/ http://0.media.dorkly.cvcdn.com/53/59/ad790a3cff4f150ba767794b249b7dfe.jpg
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Laughing, I like how yours is more thought out, mine with time is like "I wanna nap"
I want powers lol duplication, time contol, and teleportation
I am getting a trend people wanna be a god like entity... xD
Haha lol i mean pokemon can do the same but i dont like the whole idea of catching pokemon like that i mean anyone can catch a god like pokemon and instantly rule over everything
But seriously though the ditto thing is genius but at the same time weird XD poor ditto
LOL I told my buddy this last night, and they gave the same reaction. Those poor dirty dittos xD
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