Creating my first Manga!! ^_^

kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
Creating my first Manga!! ^_^
kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
im creating a yaoi manga about 2 highschool senior guys who meet by fate after a mysterious entity destroys the school they attend. The guys have magical powers that dont awaken until this time, and then they work together to destroy this entity and his goons. they dont fall in love till later tho. It wil have some sexual scenes but not too many tht it becomes a hentai. how does it sound? ^^

kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
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Creating my first Manga!! ^_^
kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
On an added note, im good at drawing anime but i wanna b good at profile and 3/4 views but need help on front views. please recommend some sites and or youtube vids tht will help. thanks chu guys! ^_^

Aiisho @aiisho
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Creating my first Manga!! ^_^
Aiisho @aiisho
Sounds great cant wait to see it!
here's a site i hope it works for you:

Nayru @nayru
commented on
Creating my first Manga!! ^_^
Nayru @nayru
Did I just hear yaoi? Sounds really cool as long as you don't overdo the powers.
Check deviantart it has many useful tutorials.

Eevee @eevee
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Creating my first Manga!! ^_^
Eevee @eevee
sounds sweet :3

kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
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Creating my first Manga!! ^_^
kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
thanks chu guys! i just got the title page dont for volume 1! its lookin pretty good so far. its called Shonen-ai Koukou or Boys Love Highschool. im probably gonna change the story/plot as it goes but it will be cute and awesome :3 ill even add a sexy guy with long hair and glasses lol ^^! wonder if it will get as good as Naruto...o_O lmao probably not xP!

kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
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Creating my first Manga!! ^_^
kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
soon im going 2 start a freewebs page or a blog on ma manga. also, i finished the title page with Itsuki (meaning "tree" because hes tall xP) looking cute with a hoodie byt the chalkboard :3 i cant wait 2 see how this comes out ^^!

mikage kinciad @mikagekincaid
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Creating my first Manga!! ^_^
mikage kinciad @mikagekincaid
Im working on creating a new story to Angelic Layer and a side story for Bleach where I create a new Arrancar/soulreaper mixed character who becomes so strong he has to be exiled from the academy. Let me know if you have ideas. Oh!!! Where are manners!!! Sumimasen. Hajimashite. Joshua/Mikage-desu. Dozo yorushiku onegashimasu

Ambvlnt.ideal @pimpstressfaye
commented on
Creating my first Manga!! ^_^
Ambvlnt.ideal @pimpstressfaye
YAOI!! where!!! I really hope you make some progress on that we need more yaoi out there. Good luck to you.
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