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Braven91 @braven91
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Braven91 @braven91
Nice to meet you

Sephiroth @sephiroth777
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Sephiroth @sephiroth777
Passin' thru yo profile 2 say hi

sarah00187 @sarah00187
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sarah00187 @sarah00187
welcome to maiotaku =3
Creating my first Manga!! ^_^

kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
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Creating my first Manga!! ^_^
kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
soon im going 2 start a freewebs page or a blog on ma manga. also, i finished the title page with Itsuki (meaning "tree" because hes tall xP) looking cute with a hoodie byt the chalkboard :3 i cant wait 2 see how this comes out ^^!
Creating my first Manga!! ^_^

kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
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Creating my first Manga!! ^_^
kawaiianimeukegirl128 @kawaiianimeukegirl128
thanks chu guys! i just got the title page dont for volume 1! its lookin pretty good so far. its called Shonen-ai Koukou or Boys Love Highschool. im probably gonna change the story/plot as it goes but it will be cute and awesome :3 ill even add a sexy guy with long hair and glasses lol ^^! wonder if it will get as good as Naruto...o_O lmao probably not xP!