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Be Weary of Con Girls

Jun 11, 15 at 9:10pm
I don't go to cons thinking I'll meet a single person. I go for the panels and cosplays. I'm sure most girls and guys don't either.
You can not simply lump con girls into one barrel. People are people and have any random combination of positive and negative attributes. I knew a girl that was meek and shy except when in costume and character and was exactly what she portrayed at the time. I know one that used to do it as a modelling job. One of my co-workers entire family does it for fun. I know another that is a self professed slut and brags about going to orgies even in costume too. People are full spectrum no matter what they do for fun.... You should be wary of anyone as much as anyone else.
Jun 11, 15 at 11:52pm
Cecil is right. The point of cons isn't to go looking for singles regardless. Think of bumping into an awesome con girl/boy as an afterthought. ~T
Jun 12, 15 at 12:23am
I just noticed @ this title It would be "wary" not "weary" loooool
I agree with DarkuSchneider - there are a lot of different types of girls no matter where you go, no matter what group you hang around with. That's always been the case, most people seem to think of gamer and otaku girls as the shy and sweet and inexperienced kind of girls but just like any other group there are plenty of weirdos, sluts and other undesirable types; you have to dig deeper to find the cuties. It's like when I was at school, I was quite popular among my year/grade and a lot of my friends or just people who generally enjoyed my company were of dudebro and preppy girl nature and I didn't mind that at all because they were nice and friendly people. It just about finding the right people to talk to really. Personally I prefer going for girls with similar interests as me as it gives us a lot more to talk about and gives us more things to enjoy together - but I'm only going for the cuties of course.
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