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Be Weary of Con Girls

I've only met two girls at anime cons that gave me their numbers. One was at zenkaikon and she tried to get me into a threesome with a boy and told me how much she liked pretend rape while being tied. She keeps adding me to her kinky austic group on facebook where they post nudes. I unfriended her. The other girl I met at otakon and she was a big twaser. What I'm saying is don't expect to meet your gf at a con. Go have fun instead of trying to meet the woman of your dreams
Girls at cons are like girls anywhere, there are all types.
You'd think that but us nerds are social weirdos. Normal types cross the street for swipes at us. No my friend, they are not normal.
May 29, 15 at 6:53am
No my friend, you are not normal, as it were. Birds of a feather flock together....That is all.
At least that kinda crazy is out in the open about it. You don't wanna suddenly find out about it after dating for a few weeks or even months.
May 29, 15 at 1:38pm
"Girls at cons are like girls anywhere, there are all types." "No my friend, you are not normal, as it were. Birds of a feather flock together....That is all." Pretty much sums it up - honestly as normal as us weebs like to pretend we are, "liking anime" isn't the only trait that is common among most otaku, which is why we have such a bad reputation
Whatever. I've always been a sucker for the psycho's. I'm gonna keep "casting my line" at con's as well as normal places.
Personaly, I wouldn't even care if I found a girlfriend walking around in a graveyard.
I've made friends at conventions, and they've been pretty normal for the most part. I've gotten 3 numbers and facebooks b4. Nothing seeming really unhinged about them. Also, meeting your girlfriend in a graveyard is a good idea, I live next too one.
Well prepare to have dildos shoved up your butt
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