I want to break the phone when....

trahecreations @trahecreations
I want to break the phone when....
trahecreations @trahecreations
We all have had that desire to break the phone. here is the game to express why.
You write down like this
I want to break the phone when _______
Example: I want to break the phone when someone texts me every 30 seconds.

(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
commented on
I want to break the phone when....
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
I want to break the phone when I break my phone.

pocketto @pocketto
commented on
I want to break the phone when....
pocketto @pocketto
I want to break the phone when anigamer1999 breaks his phone.

trahecreations @trahecreations
commented on
I want to break the phone when....
trahecreations @trahecreations
I want to break my phone when it goes off repeatedly while I am sleeping

Cero @cero
commented on
I want to break the phone when....
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

trahecreations @trahecreations
commented on
I want to break the phone when....
trahecreations @trahecreations
I wants to break my phone when the person on the other end is unreasonable, clingy, and won't stop screaming, but expects me to have a conversation with them when they are clearly just in the mood to scream.

wayfarerxx @wayfarerxx
commented on
I want to break the phone when....
wayfarerxx @wayfarerxx
When i have 1 bar and it refuses to let me look at the chive.

LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
commented on
I want to break the phone when....
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
This account has been suspended.

trahecreations @trahecreations
commented on
I want to break the phone when....
trahecreations @trahecreations
I want to break my phone when it freezes for no reason when I need it most.

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
commented on
I want to break the phone when....
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
When ive typed an entire 5 page text an it freezes and restarts it self. like Why!!
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