Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
There was a guy named henry, Henry died of chicken pox and his brother, Lord BasedSempai, started his own harem including Henry's wife. When suddenly a greedy, Italian opera-singer offered Henrys wife, Martha, a ride on his cannoli-boat, Martha couldn't resist, and so Henry's daughter-in-law popped in with a bazooka, but Lord BasedSempai yelled at his daughter-in-law "Listen, Lucille! We need to rescue Martha!" "Right," said Lucille. "Quick, hop on my bazooka, and I'll shoot you to the cannoli-boat that bastard, son-of-a-beautiful-italian bitch Opera-Singer, Nicoli, is in!" BOOOM! SHEEERR! WOOUFFT! and off went Lord BasedSempai through the air! but nicoli knew this would happen and he Drew his long and manly wizard "Wand" from down there and prepared for battle, but then a panda hops out of no where and mauls nicoli and runs off with martha to, _______

LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
here was a guy named henry, Henry died of chicken pox and his brother, Lord BasedSempai, started his own harem including Henry's wife. When suddenly a greedy, Italian opera-singer offered Henrys wife, Martha, a ride on his cannoli-boat, Martha couldn't resist, and so Henry's daughter-in-law popped in with a bazooka, but Lord BasedSempai yelled at his daughter-in-law "Listen, Lucille! We need to rescue Martha!" "Right," said Lucille. "Quick, hop on my bazooka, and I'll shoot you to the cannoli-boat that bastard, son-of-a-beautiful-italian bitch Opera-Singer, Nicoli, is in!" BOOOM! SHEEERR! WOOUFFT! and off went Lord BasedSempai through the air! but nicoli knew this would happen and he Drew his long and manly wizard "Wand" from down there and prepared for battle, but then a panda hops out of no where and mauls nicoli and runs off with martha to Japan! That panda was a pervert and all he cared about was lolis, realizing that martha was not a loli he said "Listen, here woman!? Hast thou deceived me?! To the devil with yer!" That crazy panda tossed martha out to the sharks! "Help me!" screamed Martha flailing her arms about like a hippie at a disco. It was too late. An octupus ripped her limb from limb. BasedSempai was furious; all he managed to save of her for his harum were her legs. He vowed revenge on that Japanese panda.

LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
here was a guy named henry, Henry died of chicken pox and his brother, Lord BasedSempai, started his own harem including Henry's wife. When suddenly a greedy, Italian opera-singer offered Henrys wife, Martha, a ride on his cannoli-boat, Martha couldn't resist, and so Henry's daughter-in-law popped in with a bazooka, but Lord BasedSempai yelled at his daughter-in-law "Listen, Lucille! We need to rescue Martha!" "Right," said Lucille. "Quick, hop on my bazooka, and I'll shoot you to the cannoli-boat that bastard, son-of-a-beautiful-italian bitch Opera-Singer, Nicoli, is in!" BOOOM! SHEEERR! WOOUFFT! and off went Lord BasedSempai through the air! but nicoli knew this would happen and he Drew his long and manly wizard "Wand" from down there and prepared for battle, but then a panda hops out of no where and mauls nicoli and runs off with martha to Japan! That panda was a pervert and all he cared about was lolis, realizing that martha was not a loli he said "Listen, here woman!? Hast thou deceived me?! To the devil with yer!" That crazy panda tossed martha out to the sharks! "Help me!" screamed Martha flailing her arms about like a hippie at a disco. It was too late. An octupus ripped her limb from limb. BasedSempai was furious; all he managed to save of her for his harum were her legs. He vowed revenge on that Japanese panda.he vowed revenge on that japanese panda but he was a nice person so didnt want to continue the cycle of hatred, being satisfied with the leg left for him He launched an attack on panda and waiting for him was an army of baby panda/pikachu ninja hybrids so he surrendered and panda then explained he didnt like lolis but older women he just used that as an excuse to get rid of martha

LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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