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I want a girlfriend

May 26, 15 at 11:25pm
Instead of sitting on your lazy ass you should talk to the ladies here by yourself.
May 26, 15 at 11:30pm
try talking to the ladies on here man (: good luck
Thanks bluesho and panzerkampfwagen. No, bluesho, you weren't jumping on the bang wagon :) Thanks panzerkampfwagen, your words are truly amazing and touched my heart deeply :)
Best wishes for you serah, I mean it.
May 27, 15 at 12:03am
There is always something better out there for you so keep on trucking Serah :) let the trash blow in the wind because you are better than him, and as they say "Good things come to those who wait, and great things happen all at once."
Am here too..
May 31, 15 at 10:38am
Tried speaking to many ladies here. :/
Hey im new here does anyone want to chitchat? ;)
I am single, interested in love, and want a girlfriend. Role players, otakus, gamer girls, I'm open. So if you want to, take a look at my profile, the thing that apparently says "about me" and if you like what you've read, let's talk. Of course I'm probably just yammering on. You know how this system works. Not that I'm being coy or sarcastic i mean..... Ugh, I'm just gonna shut up now
I've been single for 18 years and I'm 18, shush. Even though I haven't experienced the pain of breaking up, be thankful that someone HAD interest in you and there is potential for another person. ~T
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