This Gen is crud

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
This Gen is crud
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
Are we all in agreement on this? I can't really speak, since I own none of the current-gen consoles, but I keep up with gaming news on various sites, it's a hobby of mine; I'd say I'm one of those persons that enjoys watching someone play a game more than actually playing. I digress. Anyway, there's barely any real system-sellers, on any console. Wii-U has the best library, and that's saying something since it sold poorly. I'm talking mainly of the exclusives, but, even on the mult-plat front, there's not much to be said compared to last gen.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
This Gen is crud
neeto @neet_one
They're not worth owning. It's mostly just ports and remasters out there. visually speaking most games don't look 'that' much better this gen compared to last gen anyway.

lordragna37 @lordragna37
commented on
This Gen is crud
lordragna37 @lordragna37
This account has been suspended.

inexpensitivity @inexpensitivity
commented on
This Gen is crud
inexpensitivity @inexpensitivity
i got an xbone really to play unity and i thought the graphics were actually pretty neat and the gameplay was a lot smoother then others (stopping there because there were still a lot of other problems with the game but that'll be it's own post) either way it was a game specifically made for this gen so it was pretty good. however ever since i got the xbox one i haven't really found other games i wanted to play and the ones i did were also available for last gen so it wasn't as amazing as games exclusively made for this gen. but yeah just kinda holding hope for game releases to get better

. @saita
commented on
This Gen is crud
. @saita
You can't say this generation is bad because it only started in what, mid 2013?
Last gen started out pretty shitty too, it took a while before great games were released.
Although this gen HAS started off slower than the last in my personal opinion.

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
commented on
This Gen is crud
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
^ I can say whatever I want, punk! :p jk
Yeah, I understand that, it just seems longer because of the lack of titles I suppose.
I haven't seen anything of interest on any consoles (aside Wii-U, which, probably won't be getting too many more games aside from maybe another Mario and Zelda) Just let me see some RPGS, Man !! D; I'm hoping there's a turn of fate when Uncharted is released ^^

inexpensitivity @inexpensitivity
commented on
This Gen is crud
inexpensitivity @inexpensitivity
guess the new gen games take a lot longer to produce and stuff, im looking forward to the new kingdom hearts

lynxware @lynxware
commented on
This Gen is crud
lynxware @lynxware
@crimsonsun2xseries They are working on them and they have some out. FF-type 0, FF-x/x2, Coming Late 2015 - ff15 (looks epic by the way if you played the demo you would know),Persona 5 , dragon quest hero's, Disgaea 5, Also ff7 will be released but only in its original form ( yea people are pissed that its not a remake).

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
commented on
This Gen is crud
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
^ Same. Graphics look perrty; I hope they don't mess it up, it's my favorite series ! Dx
& Didn't think about that. That's true, I recall hearing something like devs having trouble adjusting to the specs.

tomo-chan @tomo_chan
commented on
This Gen is crud
tomo-chan @tomo_chan
Bought my ps4 mostly for Silent Hills which was a huge letdown and I started cursing the hell out of Konami when I heard the news.
Still, I did discover the 16-bit retro games on the psn and I am enjoying my ps4. I think it's all about the indies. And the ps3 releases I've heard they do play better on ps4. There's also until dawn, doom, ffxv coming up.
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