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I have no idea what I am doing.

Hey! I'm Anand Obviously you're wondering how you ended up here... well since I have your attention I'lI be super original and say that I like going out, but also could binge watch anime with the right lady...if that's your kind of thing:) I love traveling, exploring new countries and cities, and of course, ruining your hard-earned figure trying out new restaurants and being a guinea pig for my recipes...Chocolate mousse from scratch? Done. Really. But seriously, I like food. A lot. I work out a few times a week (at the cost of losing my "dad bod") and also play tennis when I can. I love a girl who will laugh at my jokes but is strong independent woman. A cute smile and pretty eyes are nice, too. I'm looking for someone who will challenge me each and every day, support my dreams of finally catching that wascally wabbit, and surprise me by offering to be the big spoon sometimes. *fyi - that was taken from another website and doesn't really capture my love of anime*
No worries man, I still have no idea what I'm doing but you'll find your place. Welcome to MO & I hope you find what you're looking for.
Welcome to the site, Anand!
May 09, 15 at 3:29pm
Anand just curious what's that pic from?
May 09, 15 at 3:41pm
@toxic that pic is from Tokyo Ghoul And welcome to MaiOtaku! :D
May 09, 15 at 3:52pm
Lol thanks, actually this is my very first dating site I've ever been on lol
May 09, 15 at 3:58pm
>And welcome to MaiOtaku! :D This was aimed at asingh89, but welcome to MaiOtaku to you as well, toxic.
Good luck in your search! Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
May 09, 15 at 4:06pm
We're all welcome!!! Now let's eat lol
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