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When being yourself isn't enough.

This is more me venting then anything. I just hate it when you get that feeling that being yourself makes things worst. I don't have any specific example I want to share. I just know that sometimes I feel like when I open up and act more comfortable around people, I push them away. Anyone else get this feeling?
I tend to speak my mind, and sometimes people hate it when I speak my mind because I end up saying an opinion that nobody likes
I understand it can be frustrating. But believe me when I say that is the best possible outcome in that situation. People who are no good for you clear out and most importantly you don't create a toxic situation for yourself. Not being yourself is about as toxic as it gets. It may seem good for a short while, but it eats away at you and rots you from the inside. And you become resentful...
All the time. One of the biggest issues I have is, after society crafts you into a particular person, they suddenly realize how much of a mistake that was on their part and decide to shun you. I'm very well known for being blatant or aggressive in my arguments, particularly when speaking about something that I am passionate about (human rights, religion, or even hobbies). I'm also a much more emotionally-attuned person than I was ten years ago. I used to never talk about my feelings, but now I'm more open about them. But in being open about myself, I find myself far more isolated than I was in the past.
Apr 26, 15 at 6:32pm
Being yourslfe HAS to be enough. Think of it this way someone hates you to hell like everything about you they hate BUT at the same time there is someone who likes/loves everything that someone else hates. This is the key reason you are not friends with everyone on earth and the reason why dating is hard or even making friends. Thats just life.
I want to express that I feel better knowing it just isn't me. I seem to keep forgetting there are six billion people on this planet, so it can't be just me. I use to be a big guy. Around 280 pounds and I loved to joke around, liked to make people laugh. Really never felt accepted and was subtly picked on often. So I lost weight and got more serious, and resented anyone who became more accepting of me. Like who I was wasnt enough. Working on being my old self again.
There are plenty of times when I can't stand being myself. But there was a short while there when I wasn't. It was so bad that I physically became ill. Spent a while in the hospital with an "idiopathic" disease. That was my sign to myself that I had to be me, regardless of the tough times. And most certainly regardless of what other people think. Still there are times when I wish I could do that, or be like that... But that isn't me. I hate it sometimes. But also there are moments when it's fuckin awesome bein me. I think I can say as a whole, it's worth those times when I'm hard on myself.
you're awesome. other people suck if they don't accept you or understand you(and it's not your fault they are dumb or they just plain suck). ofcourse, self-improvement is still a must but that's just a personal thing that's not supposed to involve "what other people think". Watch glee. love your fab self.
Just be you and you'll meet someone that can handle you if not enjoy it
Just be who you are and say what you will, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
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