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darkflame @darkflamehaze
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darkflame @darkflamehaze
yoo dude sorry for the late reply xD has been boring for a while yeah i agree whit what you said about starwars battlefront EA game looks trash its just gonna be battlefield whit a starwars skin .... lame i don't think that i will buy it.

♡Charlie♡ @otakulove17
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♡Charlie♡ @otakulove17
Cool. ^^

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
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ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
That is really awesome. Hahaha! I love Danny Choo.
Serious Question!!!!!!

JosukeHigashikata @matryoshka3
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Serious Question!!!!!!
JosukeHigashikata @matryoshka3
*notices kouhai and gives her a hug*
Nekopara - the sexy Steam game

JosukeHigashikata @matryoshka3
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Nekopara - the sexy Steam game
JosukeHigashikata @matryoshka3
You know you can buy it straight from the developer, right?
Also, this oen does not require steam