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Figuring out what you want.

Well I've been single since October of 2014. Sure I've gone on dates and had crushes, even have one currently now but when I revealed that I did he told me that he wasn't looking for a relationship. That hasn't kept us from hanging out or talking regularly but when I think about it, I dunno if it's enough. I would really like to keep seeing him but I dunno if I should only limit it to being platonic and trying to put myself back out there and look for someone who wants a relationship too. I miss holding hands and going on dates, someone to do nice things for, someone to cuddle with and all the things that come with being someone's girlfriend. And not just a girl who's a friend. I mean I really do like the person I have a thing for, I just think I want more than what we have going on but since that's not what he wants then should I just start looking else where or stick with it to see if it develops into more? Cause he doesn't seem to like me as anything more than just a friend. So I would hate to end up disappointed from it going no where, so what would be your advice? Work hard to get out of the friend zone or try to go pursue an actual relationship with someone who will give me a chance?
Honestly, you can't do much if he's just not interested in you like that. It's probably best to move on at this point, since you've been at it for a while to no avail. We, unfortunately, cannot control other people's feelings towards ourselves. That being said, you guys seem to be good friends still, so never let that go.
^ this basically
I agree with takumi, guys can be really stubborn and oblivious, so there's hardly a chance getting out of the friendzone. But there might be a chance of someone more compatible out there for you, so keep on trying, I bet you'll find him! ^_^)b
It's more or less about people as it is "guys". Everybody is like that honestly; male, female, transgendered, bigendered, genderfluid, whatever. But yes.
Everything's already been said. Only thing I want to add is that if you think that you can control your feelings around him and just be friends, then keeping in touch is good. However, if being around him keeps stirring up feelings, it might be best if you guys keep your distance for a while. Just until you're over him. Just my opinion.
Well it actually hasn't been that long, we started being friends about a month ago. But I see the point your trying to make. There are some other things I didn't mention that are kind of personal but it might clear up the situation, he does things like brings me food since I live a block away from where he works and I don't even ask him too, we've also been messing around as fwbs on many occasions, it's not exclusive though but I haven't asked if he is doing things with other girls which isn't my business anyways so I really don't care to know, but he does all this even though he knows that I like him. So it's kind of confusing.
You could possibly ask about it, perhaps ask him out on a date or two. The only way to know, really, is to settle it. At the same time, don't waste your time forever being confused.
Sounds like he isn't ready to commit. That's ok if you both agree. If you want more though and you already expressed that, you know what's best for you.
Apr 27, 15 at 11:09pm
Yeah, I wouldn't take yourself off the market just because you're hoping this guy is gonna do a 180 and all of a sudden want to be in a relationship with you. I do think if you want an actual relationship though, you need to put your foot down and end the FWB because he's only using you as a sexual outlet at this point. Tell him it's put up or shut up. If not, at least cut him off in that regard. I know it's tough being on the losing end of unrequited affection sometimes, but don't let it get you down too much and keep trucking! Sooner or later you'll meet a guy who will want to be in a relationship with you.
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