any otakus in texas?

jiraiya23124 @jiraiya23124
any otakus in texas?
jiraiya23124 @jiraiya23124
Looking for fellow otakus! :3

babykunoichi @babykunoichi
commented on
any otakus in texas?
babykunoichi @babykunoichi
North Dallas! ^^

jiraiya23124 @jiraiya23124
commented on
any otakus in texas?
jiraiya23124 @jiraiya23124
Sweet I'll be there soon! I'm going to akon

babykunoichi @babykunoichi
commented on
any otakus in texas?
babykunoichi @babykunoichi
me too! it's been a few years since i've gone.

jiraiya23124 @jiraiya23124
commented on
any otakus in texas?
jiraiya23124 @jiraiya23124
Nice I have been one of the jiraiyas that have been there for the past 6 years

babykunoichi @babykunoichi
commented on
any otakus in texas?
babykunoichi @babykunoichi
That's awesome, I have no idea who to cosplay. I might not.

jiraiya23124 @jiraiya23124
commented on
any otakus in texas?
jiraiya23124 @jiraiya23124
You should is really fun :3

Hi-Polymer Eraser @hipolymereraser
commented on
any otakus in texas?
Hi-Polymer Eraser @hipolymereraser
Dallas area myself as well. I'm the luckiest since I live like, 5 mins away from the hotel.

jiraiya23124 @jiraiya23124
commented on
any otakus in texas?
jiraiya23124 @jiraiya23124

serah2012 @serah2012
commented on
any otakus in texas?
serah2012 @serah2012
San Antonio, myself.
Wouldn't mind making a trip to Dallas or Houston to meet some otakus.
Kinda lonely in SA
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