
Mop @mop
Mop @mop
I have recently been called tsundere and I am uncertain if this person meant it as a compliment or not? Would you consider it a compliment? Based off of anything you might know of me, would you consider me tsundere?
I personally think I am a realist, and that maybe people that don't like facing the cold truth like to cover up my words with stuff like...tsundere. o.o;;

zeroblade4201 @zeroblade4201
commented on
zeroblade4201 @zeroblade4201
I'd say it is, its not like its a bad thing to be a tsundere ^^

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
commented on
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
Tsundere characters often hide their feelings from most other characters.
If you're being real about things, I don't see how it fits.
They're probably just poking some fun.

Key @keyrunners
commented on
Key @keyrunners
depends on how they view it.... i'd call it a compliment but others would be all like BAKA!!!

dokidoki @dokidoki
commented on
dokidoki @dokidoki
tsunderes are the worst

Mop @mop
commented on
Mop @mop
After getting some insight from my friends, I have decided that although I would not consider myself tsundere, the person who called me one meant it as either a compliment or a good natured joke. I'd be more than a little hurt if it were otherwise.

baka @baka
commented on
baka @baka
My japanese ex-girlfriend (and now friend) is tsundere. She is a little bit difficult and sometimes hard to handle, but tsundere is not always bad. It can be sweet, depends on the person. She likes it to be tsundere and I have no problem with it. But the definition of tsundere... I think the anime Ore no Imouto (Oreimo) shows the best what tsundere is.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Lamby @momoichi
meh tsunderes suck unless they do it cutely but some guys looooove them but most girls dont so if it was a guy id say mostly good, a girl most likely bad XP

OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
commented on
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
i been called tsundere alot it fits me -/////w////- i think it does i like asuka from evangelion i like those girls cause their strong...and i want to be stronger

Amezuki @amezuki
commented on
Amezuki @amezuki
Kirino from Oreimo is a bad example of a tsundere--she's just mean, selfish and inconsiderate. She has her dere moments, but she's about 90% tsun if not moreso.
Characters (and people) like Kirino give tsunderes a bad name.
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