Digital art or Traditional art

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
Digital art or Traditional art
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
Which one do you usually use?

contractkyubey @contractkyubey
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Digital art or Traditional art
contractkyubey @contractkyubey
I always end up using traditional art because I suck at digital art.

Danny @xshiroy
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Digital art or Traditional art
Danny @xshiroy
Hmmm, I used to do everything Traditional but lately I've started to go digital to try and gain another skill towards drawing, haaha, I like both >.>'

Nakama @jacob1
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Digital art or Traditional art
Nakama @jacob1
I like them both. I'm better at traditional, but I like drawing digital and want to get better.

Alessandro @jang11491
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Digital art or Traditional art
Alessandro @jang11491
Oh mmm
most resent piece
Experimental-Traditional ink wash

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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Digital art or Traditional art
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
so nice. koi fish and jellyfish.

snoodles @snoodles
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Digital art or Traditional art
snoodles @snoodles
Both, I go back and fowarth between the two.
There's been times I mainly do traditional (never really coloring them though xD), but then there's times I'd do just traditional.
Right now I do my sketches on paper and then fix everything and color it digitally.~ (unless doing animation, original sketch for different actions is paper then the rest are digital xD)

TheOneWhoFoundHisSoul @artbythesoul
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Digital art or Traditional art
TheOneWhoFoundHisSoul @artbythesoul
I use both all the time, some people like it better on canvas or the way digital can pop if your good at it, this is a old one I did digital as a speed painting of carnage

reisudo @reisudo
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Digital art or Traditional art
reisudo @reisudo
i use both.

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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Digital art or Traditional art
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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