Who scream really loudly when you sneeze, what's your deal?

Niknik @niknik
Who scream really loudly when you sneeze, what's your deal?
Niknik @niknik
Is it involuntary? I have a friend who does this and every time he sneezes it sounds like Goofy falling down a manhole.
I literally laugh for ten minutes straight after he sneezes xD

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Who scream really loudly when you sneeze, what's your deal?
Nakama @jacob1
I have a loud sneeze sometimes. I have allergies where I could end up sneezing all day.

Niknik @niknik
commented on
Who scream really loudly when you sneeze, what's your deal?
Niknik @niknik
Well like I dont get it, do you need it to be loud or you cant control it?

drmario @drmario
commented on
Who scream really loudly when you sneeze, what's your deal?
drmario @drmario
Haha, I've never heard anyone sneeze like this. But I'd guess that is involuntary.The strangest one I've heard is what I'll call the "a-choo choo train."
This also reminds me, there's a psychological condition where children (maybe adults too, I don't know) will cough involuntary when they aren't sick. Parents will either think the child is sick or faking it. It's rather odd.

Niknik @niknik
commented on
Who scream really loudly when you sneeze, what's your deal?
Niknik @niknik
hahaha a choo choo train wth xD I guess its really involuntary then :3 Havent heard of that condition. Is it rare?

JohnTabz @cntrlalttabz
commented on
Who scream really loudly when you sneeze, what's your deal?
JohnTabz @cntrlalttabz
Well at least u have a friend who sneeze like that. :D yeah for me its kinda rare to hear that kind of sneeze

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
commented on
Who scream really loudly when you sneeze, what's your deal?
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
aaachooooooo!!! :P

Niknik @niknik
commented on
Who scream really loudly when you sneeze, what's your deal?
Niknik @niknik
Hahaha cutie! @Hyera

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Who scream really loudly when you sneeze, what's your deal?
ロイ @wallace614
lol this thread seriously wow

boundbyluck @boundbyluck
commented on
Who scream really loudly when you sneeze, what's your deal?
boundbyluck @boundbyluck
I sometimes have a very loud sneeze ... but Nothing close to goofy o.o
And yes its involuntary, you sometimes try to hold it back and others it still comes out loudly after putting your hand on your mouth.
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