Nostalgic Anime (Subjective)

Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
Nostalgic Anime (Subjective)
Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
What is (for you, subjectively) a nostalgic anime to watch?
I just pulled out a DVD of Inuyasha last night and was like "I'M TOTALLY FEELING THIS..! THE FEELS..! NOSTALGIC FEELS..!!"
...anyone else get that?
If so, what from? :D

ravenkaras @ravenkaras
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Nostalgic Anime (Subjective)
ravenkaras @ravenkaras
I get that feeling sometimes
mostly with Slayers and Ranma 1/2

Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
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Nostalgic Anime (Subjective)
Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
I got Slayers for free from my bro's friend :)
ALLL of it!

TlaLaz @tlalaz
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Nostalgic Anime (Subjective)
TlaLaz @tlalaz
Gwidhw, I was thinking Inuyasha when I read the title of this thread HAHA My Will by Dream played in my head at that moment!

Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
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Nostalgic Anime (Subjective)
Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
@TlaLaz: It's a great show :)

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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Nostalgic Anime (Subjective)
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Pokemon. ^^ season 1. The feels!

boundbyluck @boundbyluck
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Nostalgic Anime (Subjective)
boundbyluck @boundbyluck
Robotech (macross), slayers and evangelion in that order there is one more but I always forget its name.

Mikazuki Ryuujin @mikazukiryuujin
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Nostalgic Anime (Subjective)
Mikazuki Ryuujin @mikazukiryuujin
Little busters. The first time I watched the series and heard the bgm, nostalgia kicked in. Somehow I felt that I watched italready somewhere but I'm sure I didn't.

AnthonytheArcher @emiyathearcher
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Nostalgic Anime (Subjective)
AnthonytheArcher @emiyathearcher
Evangelion, DBZ and Yu Yu hakusho. Soooooo much nostalgia.

pocketto @pocketto
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Nostalgic Anime (Subjective)
pocketto @pocketto
DBZ, Case Closed (Yes, the funimation dub from adult swim), and Cowboy Bebop.
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