So, Our MaiOtaku Love story :)

Zubsero @derpz
So, Our MaiOtaku Love story :)
Zubsero @derpz
oh man, So where should i Begin with our little story ^^ first of all, I like to dedicate this all of you lonely peeps lurking on the website here, trying to find your soulmate :D all i can do is share this story and wishing u the best of all the lucks =p
so, lets go back to januari 2015.... it was oficially a year i had broke up with my ex girlfriend, after a long, and quite frankly, abusive relationship, 5 years to be precise... I had no idea how to aproach all of this, i was super new to internet dating. all i had at the moment was my passion for anime, and after some strolling around on the net i found the lovely place called MaiOtaku , Yay!
i filled out all of the fields, and posted my first utterlame post :D
januari 31 - the offical date i joined :)
i decided for myself i start to get as active as possible, i participated in many, many convo's and threads, until, actually very soon, i posted a simple and easy thread that would change my life haha ^^
februari 1 - the day i met the love of my life (already, lel) and i didnt know (yet)
this little post was like a snowball that put many many events in action in my personal life. we chatted on the fora, and from one we got to another...
we started to chat in messages, it was all innocent :)
she was from the czech republic, i was from belgium....
we figured out we had alot in common, from anime to taste in life to everything ...
on februari 6th we agreed on that since we are both alone and single.. why not give it a chance, we both where just handling it in a casual way, nothing serious or pressured or anything :)
Sooo, the month slowly passed, things got more and more serious, and there it came, begin march i finaly came up with the plan of meeting each other, despite the distance, (altho its like an hour with the airplane)
and now, march 31, it was finally time, i took the plane, and had the most wonderful time with the woman of my life, we finally could say, both of us, that its a relationship worth fighting and trying our bestest for :), today, 9th of april, first day im back, sitting in front of the pc, just thinking how fast everything went in life :)
Me and my love together :) her nickname is "beavind" around here btw ^^
I hope this little story gave some hope for some of you, dont worry, when its time it will come, and fast too! never give up and just be your cheerful self as always ^^
DerpZ Out

beavind @beavind
commented on
So, Our MaiOtaku Love story :)
beavind @beavind
Ohhhh youuuuu :') I gotta tears in my eyes really.... In summary, everything went superfast and superintense indeed :D Still cannot really believe my eyes whats happening :P But I guess that is life ^^
- I love you, Bakalien :) always and forever

Niknik @niknik
commented on
So, Our MaiOtaku Love story :)
Niknik @niknik
Congrats to both of you! I wish you more happiness :3

JohnTabz @cntrlalttabz
commented on
So, Our MaiOtaku Love story :)
JohnTabz @cntrlalttabz
Omedetōgozaimasu(Congratulations) to both of you guys :D. i wish i could find mine too soon. :D

Key @key17
commented on
So, Our MaiOtaku Love story :)
Key @key17
Just goes to show. Many congrats to the two of you!
Now get out of here and be freeeeee!!!

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
commented on
So, Our MaiOtaku Love story :)
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
:D congratulation both of you

Zubsero @derpz
commented on
So, Our MaiOtaku Love story :)
Zubsero @derpz
Thank you all guys! It really means alot to us :) wouldnt have been able to find each other if the community didnt exist in the first place ;) i sincerly hope everybody who comes around here trying to find his/her soulmate will be just as lucky ^^

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
So, Our MaiOtaku Love story :)
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Good times. Cg.
Currently, the same is happening with Kemo and myself. A little harder to meet due to needed passport, travel costs, schooling, etc..
I'd get into more, but this isn't my thread, buuuut! Cg!

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
So, Our MaiOtaku Love story :)
ロイ @wallace614
Wow thats so cool you guys
im happy for you both

Mikorin @exad
commented on
So, Our MaiOtaku Love story :)
Mikorin @exad
Congrats guys! Thanks for sharing the story
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