Kansas >

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
Kansas >
BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
dose any one live in Kansas It's pretty lonely around here...

Atlus_Kheldeque @atlus_kheldeque
commented on
Kansas >
Atlus_Kheldeque @atlus_kheldeque
I live in Iowa but I use to live in Kansas for 3 years or so. I lived in a very small town called Altoona. Ya it is pretty lonely but I still have some friends down there I keep in contact with. Fellow Otaku like myself of course. How have you been doing lately? I dont check this site often but I am sure I will for a little bit. I help run a few cons with the creator of this site so I come back every now and then. I hope all has been well with you : ) I dont know what the weather is like a bit down there (it certainly was always warmer than Iowa) but we just got some snow here. Stay safe down there regardless. : D

phantomdark @phantomdark
commented on
Kansas >
phantomdark @phantomdark
i live at the border in oklahoma if i remember right im about forty or so miles from wichita

Countess Orlock @kafkasadvocate
commented on
Kansas >
Countess Orlock @kafkasadvocate
I live in Kansas City.. Is that close enough?

sorachan8 @sorachan8
commented on
Kansas >
sorachan8 @sorachan8
I live in Wichita. Do you go to the anime fest held here in town? I go every year, and would love to meet and chat with anyone going.

T!ck @nightmare
commented on
Kansas >
T!ck @nightmare
Yeah Kansas city can run dry.

teebo1113 @teebo1113
commented on
Kansas >
teebo1113 @teebo1113
I'm here in Kansas City ^^ I would love to talk with a few local otaku if you guys are interested.
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