What is anime and manga?

Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
What is anime and manga?
Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
My friend on facebook tagged me with a video.
Watching it a 3rd time brought tears to my eyes!
Someone who understands the value of anime and manga! A TRUE Otaku disciple!!

Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
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What is anime and manga?
Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
*Tch* Looks like fb is fucked up at the moment like always...

Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
commented on
What is anime and manga?
Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
I tested the link and it works fine, so long fb doesn't screw up like usual...

Mikorin @exad
commented on
What is anime and manga?
Mikorin @exad
Anime and cartoons are the same :/ there are american cartoons intended for adults with mature themes etc just like there is anime intended for children.. I think if you're trying to separate them, you're trying to convince yourself rather than others. Many cartoons intended for children are influenced by more mature content and current events.
Who the hell cares what other people think? Cartoons and comics aren't for everyone. Just like some people hate olives and I love them. I wouldn't stop eating them if they started labelling them with little pink unicorns.

Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
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What is anime and manga?
Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
*Ahem* I was merely inserting my opinion, no need to be so aggressive, that's your view, but please respect my view as well...
Your opinion is just as important as mine is.

Key @key17
commented on
What is anime and manga?
Key @key17
Just wish the quality was a bit better, but it's a cool vid. Although, there's one thing I dislike about this kind of videos:
They focus way too much on shonen. Anime isn't just Naruto, Bleach, DBZ and One Piece. It embarks so much more!
There's shojo and seinen and slice of life and whatever. Anime isn't for kids, it's for everyone. Something like Shin chan IS anime and IS for kids. Something like Berserk IS anime and IS for adults.
So before telling anyone anything about anime, they should understand it themselves.

Mikorin @exad
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What is anime and manga?
Mikorin @exad
I didn't mean any disrespect, I promise. And I wasn't expressing a view.. I was stating facts.
Except this part "I think if you're trying to separate them, you're trying to convince yourself rather than others." That is a view.

Sunbae @alanzd
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What is anime and manga?
Sunbae @alanzd
The only reason some anime fans take offense to that is because they feel like the other person is saying anime and american cartoons are similar. Well, to be fair, it sometimes is.

Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
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What is anime and manga?
Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
@Key Yeah I agree, he did use too much shonen, but he did choose a few good quotes.
Still a very good job, if it were me I'd show more of the emotional anime, like puella madoka magica, parasyte, guilty crown, and such.
But I don't have the time nor capability to do that, so I'll just be content with what is out...
@Mikorin I understand, but understand that there are different kinds of otaku, those that consider themselves hard-core, those that are mid range, and those that just watch here and there.
I am one of those hard-core types(In the anime listing), so sorry if I do sound overkill, it's just my nature, I love anime that much, so I feel it deserves that respect.
Think of it as you loving a hero that saved your life, you wouldn't like someone saying something about your hero, would you?
Daijobu, like I said I can be overkill, so gomen, please forgive my overkillness, but I'm also sorry that I can't change how I feel, so try to bear with me, ne?

Mikorin @exad
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What is anime and manga?
Mikorin @exad
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