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Apr 07, 15 at 10:45am
i don't know...mmmm....Maybe you just need to start conversations about things other than anime? Just a thought... You don't have to have every interest be the same, infact you could even introduce a woman to anime.
Apr 07, 15 at 11:40am
I believe it was Kohagura who mentioned a good idea in another post about joining an anime club in a university. Often, you don't even need to be a student at the university to attend. Most of the people I work with don't watch anime or read manga.. I work in a job that has a large social aspect and I find that taking a few minutes a day to read/watch the news and check out some fun facts gives me stuff other than anime to talk about with other people. After you've managed to start a conversation, without scaring people who don't know the joys of anime off, You can tell them about your interests, they might not share the same interests but maybe they have cousin, sister, friend who shares your interests.. get where I'm going with this?
Apr 07, 15 at 11:51am
GRRRR!!! PEOPLE! PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT COMMON INTERESTS ISN'T EVERYTHING IN A RELATIONSHIP! Rather than throwing the hook and praying for a girl otaku to bite, look for a matching personality! There's anime, and than there's real life! TWO! DIFFERENT! THINGS!
Apr 07, 15 at 11:57am
I agree. I mean it's kind of like saying its a deal breaker if she doesn't watch anime.
@kanikeiken THEYRE ON THIS SITE @ chain of command I agree as well
SHE... HAS... TO LIKE IT!!!!!!
Apr 07, 15 at 3:36pm
Key.. I agree with you for the most part but I think it's also a matter of someone who likes Anime can be more accepting of some otaku.. For instance some women may walk into a room full of figurines really not understand at all :P I'm sure more than a few members collect, have pictures, posters etc.. Watch often.. Talk a lot about anime.. Get excited about it etc. So.. I really don't think you should get frustrated if other people don't have your same view on finding a woman.. Be glad you do and whatever? Personally, as I'm not looking for a relationship, I could care less what the people I meet are into but I don't hang out with people much as anime and video games and work take up most of my time.
Apr 07, 15 at 4:19pm
Yeah, if you are hardcore otaku, like collect figurines and body pillows, that would be really strong repellant for girls... especially non-otaku girls. It can still be something even otaku girls might be creeped out by, though(if it's like hentai all over), unless she somehow likes hentai(that isn't yaoi), which is way more rare than a girl who simply likes non-H anime. Otherwise, it's easy to find girls who like anime/games. Female gamers tend to like anime too. If you have the mentality of women being toys/bitches, or the "females don't exist on the internet" mentality, you will probably have a hard time, though.
Apr 07, 15 at 5:04pm
Honestly, you just have to look in the right places. They aren't going to magically appear out of the woodwork. Your best chances are usually at conventions or anime clubs. (assuming the club isn't a complete sausage fest like a lot of them can be) That being said, don't completely restrict yourself to otaku girls. I'd strongly recommend looking at the bookworms, artists, comic, gamer girls etc. as well since the otaku culture in general can bleed into so many different areas of interest.
^ agreed to the maximum possible value
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