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need advice guys.. :'(

Yeah, I don't really know for sure, but it does sound like you may be bothering him by messaging him too much at once, and coming off as clingy/possessive... Some guys like to hangout with their partner daily, and some need more time alone(even if they really love you, privacy and space are important, especially for introverts). I would advise to have a serious talk with him at least once, and politely/calmly saying something like, "If anything I do ever bothers you, you can let me know. I won't get mad, and I want to make you feel comfortable."... Basically letting him know that you will listen if he has anything bothering him. And you should do the same, tell him if anything ever bothers you about him, but be nice about it.
yaashat. :) Thanks! We just done having skype now and we talk about me and him. And we are fine now. He explained. And I know long distance relationship is hard But I will still continue this. And if the time came that me and him will broke up. I will never regret that I fall Inlove with him. I will never give up on him. And if he will give up on me, I don't have a choice just accept it, at least I give my all love to him. He is even asking me Why I fall Inlove with him even have lots of guys ask me out, Why him. And I said Because he has everything that I guy I dreamed of. It's my fault thoughcoz I found him here in maiotaku.. :D But I'm happy that I have him. I will just need to prepare myself Coz I know someday I will be hurt. Thanks for the advice guys!
@kohagura. Yes, I already did. And I told him I won't be clingy anymore and i wont message him every hour. But he said, he loves the way I am. And no need to change it. But maybe he only said that Because he don't want me to getdisappoint. And so, I don't message him that much anymore.. :) Thanks! And we already talk about my relationship with him. So I'm fine now. Thank you!
Apr 01, 15 at 11:51pm
No offense, but that sounded pretty disastrous. Also, yah like everyone else said, you're pretty clingy, which can get annoying to him. But if you feel like he's neglecting you too much, then you should just break up with him. You're cute and young, so don't feel like he's the only one in the world compatible with you.
@cielle thanks for the advice. Ahmm.. he isn't neglecting me now. And we are okay already. We already talk about it. :) Thank you.
I have to say what everyone is saying is true i understand that your worried but there is another thread full of advice for people in and out of a relationship here look in this thread and you will find some helpful advice for your relationship hope it helps https://maiotaku.com/mytopics/565/mytopics/19140?page=2
Thank you.. Gonna check that
Ok this is a menagerie of chaos you're giving us here and I'm going to be straight up honest with you here - and I'm sorry if it's going to sound harsh but like everyone else said here you're far too clingy to him. Ok I'm a guy and look at it from a guy's perspective - sometimes I'm busy and I'm doing things and I might not be able to come on every day because of things going on with life like work, family, etc. I have a girl constantly messaging me day in, day out when I just want a bit of alone time and the more she keeps on messaging me the same thing over and over, the less inclined I'll feel to reply to her. That's probably what's going on here - you're really clingy and a guy needs their space to do their own things and it's the same way around if a guy's clingy and the girl needs her space to do her own things. You're a cute girl and you have your own life to live as well and I'm sure if he was the clingy one, you'd most likely react the exact same way. You need to chill out for a minute, calm down and take a deep breath - go a few days without speaking to him, once those few days are up go and talk to him then but don't be all "Oh baby I love you!", be a bit calmer and collected about it, y'know just have a natural conversation with him for a change like normal lovers often do. That can change things around immensely and he'll feel more inclined to speak to you because you're giving him his own space to do his own things and the relationship will feel a lot more natural - he won't feel pressured and he'll be more than happy to talk to you more. You don't need to talk to each other every day and you certainly don't need to spend every waking moment, people love their alone time and I'm sure you do too so just think on that. Although I will throw this out here, since you're both on opposite sides of the world - long distance relationships like that almost never work. Trust me, my last girlfriend had to move back to France for family matters despite living in the UK for a year and a half and we stuck it out for nearly two years and things just became a mess in the end but we just decided to stay as friends and we've been best friends ever since and I'm well over that time now and I like to think we've been closer than ever, I just accepted that's the way things were meant to be. So be realistic here, you might come to that situation. Although if you followed my advice and many other peoples' advice here and nothing has changed then chances are he is just flat out ignoring and neglecting you which means he isn't interested in a relationship or probably talking to you altogether but he feels pressured by you probably because he's sympathetic towards you and that's not a good reason for someone to stay in a relationship - that can drain a man's soul to despair if he's not happy. If things go bad, there's no need to fret over it. You're a nice girl with good intentions. Look, there are plenty of great guys running around the Philippines, good chances are he's not the only compatible guy for you. I learned from my last relationship that sticking to potential partners in your own country is the best thing to do. Sure I like the mystery of dating a foreign girl but there's always difficulties and you're facing every single one here. Please don't take this with offense, I know I might come off as overzealous but trust me, I've been in a similar situation myself (Minus the clinging, that's an issue in and of itself) and I'm giving you my advice based on my experience. Just keep this in mind okay? Have a great day!
Jump him and rob him of his essence
I heard but sax it's a nice way to mend a shaky relationship
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