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need advice guys.. :'(

So, I dunno this is the correct way But I need advice guys.. and I'm sorry for my bad English. Me and my bf got back together since yesterday, Honestly i really do love him. We haven't meet. I only knew him here in maiotaku. AT first I don't have any feelings for him But then, he is so sweet and not boring to talk to so I fall Inlove with him. I even deactivated all my social apps Coz I chat a lot with other guys. And him alone is enough. I even reject all the guys who asked me out Coz I don't want to go out with other guy. It's been almost a year since I don't have a bf till I found him. He is really nice. I feel like I can't find other guy who's better than him. We Skype everyday,.He said his salary is okay so he can save up money for our meeting. And he lives in Colorado while im in Philippines Our relationship at first is good. But then one day we chat in the morning (here) and evening there, he said his friends will hang out to his house playing video games But he will still message me but until night (on my time) he haven't message me. And when he woke up he said he falls asleep. But I'm so worried about him. And I told him I'm not upset I'm just worried. So its just a small fight But it ends up into break up. I ask him what will be his decision and he said.Let's be friends. And it was really painful for me. Even we are just together for 2 weeks and five days. But I can't accept it. So I beg for him not to leave me. I cried. march 27 started our quarrel and broke up. March 28 I keep on calling him But he won't answered. I sent lots of text messages But he won't replied. Until March 29 and 30. His ignoring me. I told him that I will just accept our break up if he will change our status in Facebook. But he didnt change it. So I'm hoping. I still sent him a messages how much i love him. But he won't reply. March 30, me and my friends having vodka that night. I was drunk. I send him lots of voice messages (I cried too much maybe Because I was drunk) and finally he replied saying that he loves me and never intended to leave. That we haven't break up in the first place, that he just don't know how to say to me. So I was happy. He said he will just call me after his work done. So I'm waiting But he never called. And we only chat a bit a day. Maybe 5 conversations Coz he said he is busy. And will call me at night (on his time) so he said he will call me again. So I'm waiting but he haven't called me. And yesterday he said he will definitely call today but im waiting for his call but he never call. I just want to talk our relationship. I really want to work out this relationship. I know it sounds absurd but i fell so deeply in love with him. He is 27 years old and I'm 20. So here's My question guys, don't you think he really don't love me? But he said he loves me.. and what should I do? What should I do so that this relationship will work out? im sorry this is too long. But i guess i need to explain everything. And sorry there are lots of wrong grammar. Please help me
Apr 01, 15 at 5:51am
Hello there! Tbh guys dont like clingy girls. I dont wanna be rude but you need to have time for yourself first and think all about it. I mean If he truly loves you, he will definitely try to work things out. And that's why I never venture in long distance relationships because It's hard and a lot of ldr dont last long. It would be great if you meet in real life to see where this goes. Anyways good luck!
Apr 01, 15 at 5:59am
Oh God, this is a mess... Anyways, as Nicky said. Don't be clingy, give him space. Don't get desperate over the first problem that may arise. As long as the guy is serious about the relationship, then everything should fix itself with time... but, I'll admit, I have my doubts about this couple...
Thanks.. Yeah. I give him space But just a day. Lol. And Yea. I know that ldr will never work out. Ugh! I'm just stupid.
Why it didn't post the rest of my comment? The heck
Apr 01, 15 at 6:31am
Never is a big word. I just have my doubts concerning his feeling towards you. For your own good, I hope you didn't plunge yourself into a one sided relationship.
Hahha.. Thank you.. :) you're right..
Apr 01, 15 at 7:04am
Well, whatever happens, I wish you good luck. We all need it.
Thank you again!
Tell me, what is love? I'll sum it up for you, sacrifice. Love is not just how you or he feels, but what you'd willingly give up for the betterment of eachother. Love is kind of a huge word to throw out and you two haven't even been "dating" all that long. What do you really know about him and what does he trully know about you? Long distance is hard enough, but to be in two different cultures and damn near half way around the world, makes it that much harder. He said he would message you even though he had a few friends over? Are you telling me he couldn't take a couple of minutes to message you and yet he said he loves you? If a man truly loves you, he will moves mountains to get to you, if that's what it takes. Understand that love is a serious thing and i hate to see people abuse the word, let alone the actions. Here's what you need to do. One, drinking and phone calls hardly ever work out...:P Two, If he loves you and you love him, make a realistic plan on what you want out of the relationship. Ask him what he wants. Make sure these are things that you both want. The sad thing about love is this, you can fall in love even if the other person doesn't love you. Now, i don't mean to upset you, but make you think. Long distance can work, but you both have to be honest, realistic and on the same page. Im 31 years old and though that's not old, id like to think that ive learned a few things.
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