Here goes nothing :P

zoukiji @zoukiji
Here goes nothing :P
zoukiji @zoukiji
Hello everyone xD
It's a pleasure to meet all of you :D
If you feel like it, don't hesitate to hit me up ;) I'm a nice guy or so I'm told :D

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
commented on
Here goes nothing :P
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
:] Hello

zoukiji @zoukiji
commented on
Here goes nothing :P
zoukiji @zoukiji
Thank you Hyera ^__^

cabbage @donnierye
commented on
Here goes nothing :P
cabbage @donnierye
Welcome to the site.
You should make an effort to reach out to people as well.

Mikorin @exad
commented on
Here goes nothing :P
Mikorin @exad
Welcome to MO ^_^ Nice to meet you

randyran @randyran
commented on
Here goes nothing :P
randyran @randyran

kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
commented on
Here goes nothing :P
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
Hey there welcome to MO hope you have a splendid time mind if i eat you

Otaku_Hedgehog @sonickeyblade007
commented on
Here goes nothing :P
Otaku_Hedgehog @sonickeyblade007
Welcome to the site Zoukiji, I'm new to this site too, I hope we both enjoy our stay here. ^_^

zoukiji @zoukiji
commented on
Here goes nothing :P
zoukiji @zoukiji
Thanks for all the welcomes :) I would very much appreciate not being eaten kaneki :P
Well then welcome to you too SonicKeyBlade :) I hope so too

Manga_bird @manga_bird
commented on
Here goes nothing :P
Manga_bird @manga_bird
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^*Kt9dxTBze6aUtZ1viiS28dKvgYJJkQ-kfY5ECmBDuECfng2N3L5qhonMO5lnMu3T*/1wel.jpg
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