adding people and not talking to them

ロイ @wallace614
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adding people and not talking to them
ロイ @wallace614
From 120 I'm down to 46friends

ロイ @wallace614
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adding people and not talking to them
ロイ @wallace614
Lol yes

Mikorin @exad
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adding people and not talking to them
Mikorin @exad
Honestly, I add people I think I might get along with. I don't talk to people, privately, often unless I am curious about something, or have something I really want to talk about.
I'm not great at making conversation without a reason to talk, There are people I can hang out in silence with and not feel awkward and those are actually the people I get along best with.
I don't think it's weird to add people and not talk to them. I would and will talk to them privately if I have something to say to them or if they talk to me. I prefer being active in the forum or talking to people openly but the people I add as friends, I am willing to talk to privately should the occasion present itself.

Manga_bird @manga_bird
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adding people and not talking to them
Manga_bird @manga_bird
I used to delete people who didn't talk to me, but then they started to add me back. They still don't ever talk, but there's no point cutting people if they're just going to add you back again. Now I just delete people once their accounts go inactive. Does no harm for them to sit on my list.
I have to say, most of my interactions go on within the forums, I have very few people I PM on here.

Key @key17
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adding people and not talking to them
Key @key17
I only add sexy people!

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
adding people and not talking to them
ロイ @wallace614
More like imoutos

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
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adding people and not talking to them
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
I suck at starting conversation, all I can say is "hiya". I dont ignore people however if I dont respond its because I havent gotten to your message yet, I never ignore. It would be easier if they had some sort of chat system here. Im not a very active member on any forum but I do participate an try to show up 1-3 times a week. I see no problem keeping a large friends list, its not bothering anyone. Me myself add people because I like them or we have something in common. Not sure why others add me some dont say but im sure they had their reasons, so no harm done.

Jordan_mikuza @jordan_mikuza
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adding people and not talking to them
Jordan_mikuza @jordan_mikuza
i feel bad not talking to them much on MO
but im not going to delete them from my friends list
and, i do not know why i do not talk to them i just don't. im mostly on forums or skype

oniiai(raven) @oniiai
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adding people and not talking to them
oniiai(raven) @oniiai
I have about 80-something friends and I talk to like 10 or less lol. I hesitate to accept the friend requests I get...

Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
commented on
adding people and not talking to them
Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
*Shrugs* I'm the guy that "speaks when spoken to"...
I don't really start a conversation... But I will respond when spoken to.
Although sometimes I can be quite busy, but still, in the past I've started the conversation, but most of the time they don't throw the ball back, so I guess that's why I'm quiet.
I dunno... It's hard to juggle work AND socialization...
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