Hey it's me

Funyarinpa @funyarinpa
Hey it's me
Funyarinpa @funyarinpa
Hi, I made an account here because my friend convinced me to. I really like video games and reading. Right now I'm replaying all the Fire Emblem games available in the United States and reading The Way of Kings. Both are a lot of fun.
I don't watch anime a lot, but I have a handful that are near and dear. I'm also a huge fan of Dowman Sayman's manga.

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
commented on
Hey it's me
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
Welcome to mo

randyran @randyran
commented on
Hey it's me
randyran @randyran
Your friend steered you right! Welcome to MO.

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
Hey it's me
Amrod @amrodcalanor
You sir, have chosen the right game.
Fckin love all the fire emblems.
I think the only ones I havent beaten are Gaiden and the one with Roy
Anyways, Welcome to the site. Hope you find what you're looking for whether its love, friends, or entertainment :D

Manga_bird @manga_bird
commented on
Hey it's me
Manga_bird @manga_bird
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^

cabbage @donnierye
commented on
Hey it's me
cabbage @donnierye
Welcome to the site, friend.

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Hey it's me
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Hello, Welcome to MO, I am the official vampire of MO, and Wish you a wonderful stay.

Lady_ @xxladydravenxx
commented on
Hey it's me
Lady_ @xxladydravenxx
Welcome!!!!!! :D

cabbage @donnierye
commented on
Hey it's me
cabbage @donnierye
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