What do guys find attractive?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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What do guys find attractive?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
^ i swear i died when i saw this XD
BasedSempai @basedsempai
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What do guys find attractive?
BasedSempai @basedsempai
Does she got da booty doe?
darkhorse @darkhorse
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What do guys find attractive?
darkhorse @darkhorse
All these niggas are lying, all they care about are unicorns- Which are hot women who like video games and anime but like unicorns they don't exist in real life, only online. And these niggas only like girls with big gorgeous tits and big big booties
TheAnran @arazno
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What do guys find attractive?
TheAnran @arazno
Kindness, A Sense of Humor, being touchy and having flesh on their bones and not just a layer of skin.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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What do guys find attractive?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
@Based she do have booty
faytcloud @faytcloud
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What do guys find attractive?
faytcloud @faytcloud
I'm usually attracted to nice eyes and hair first! That's what gets my initial attention lol
Nipplord @nipplord
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What do guys find attractive?
Nipplord @nipplord
This account has been suspended.
Teslan @tthedragon
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What do guys find attractive?
Teslan @tthedragon
Something about a little open-mindedness and a tiny bit of extroversion.
Also, I also find girls who play along with a silly situation or can throw-back humor awesome.
Teslan @tthedragon
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What do guys find attractive?
Teslan @tthedragon
But physically is another story.
Senhin @senhin
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What do guys find attractive?
Senhin @senhin
I generally get attracted to pretty small girls. I'm not a big guy, and I'd feel uncomfortable and even less manly than I am if a girl I was with was bigger than me.
I also have a thing for gingers.
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