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What do guys find attractive?

^Gingerswjfasoidfhsousoguihsajfid (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ Also, shot in the dark. @Senhin do you have a thing for freckles too, or is it just me? ~T
i like short girls, and blondes ;)
Yep, freckles. Not completely plastered. But a fair few on the cheeks and shoulders... Yes please. lol
Not overbearingly outgoing, someone who pursues there goals (whether it be school or anything they enjoy doing) - I guess that would be confidence? - Determination is hella attractive, and to be sincere is also an amazing plus. Physique wise, Short && Petite girls =)
Every guy has a different taste
I like them all
I would say..it just comes down to what the individual prefers personality wise or looks. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all .-. And yeah be somewhat on top of your goals and dreams
I also like a sense of independence. Where you don't need to do EVERYTHING with a certain friend or friend group. Take time for yourself or don't be afraid to meet new people. ~T
one day I hope to hold hands with a girl that is still conscious
Well, there's actually a lot of things I find attractive. But since I have a pretty large list I'll shorten it down to my top 3; lovely eyes, a healthy build and a wonderful smile above all other things. I would list more but I'll be here for a while :I
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